Chapter 21: The Boy Who Knew Everything (Well Almost)

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Candle's POV.

I was running, running from something. It was dark and the buildings around me were falling apart. It looked like New York, but I wasn't sure. I was running too fast to notice anything. I was running, running to where? I don't know, something was chasing me. It was dark and fast, too fast for me to see. How was I out running it? I also don't know, it must have been going slow for me, but why?

I ran into a park, Central Park, form the sign. It was New York, the empire state building could be seen from here. I stopped to catch my breath, the thing had caught up with me. After all I ran through... allies, trash, and fallen buildings. I cut myself while doing it. My ankle throbbed again. Now I limped trying to run again. I probably made it halfway across the park until I fell. Yeah real cliche, but I fell. I had enough time to turn over and look at the thing that was about to eat me.

It did. In one bite, the thing was bigger on the inside. I fell down its throat into it's stomach. I must have went into another dimension because floating in darkness is not the same as being in a pit of stomach acid being digested. To eyes opened right in front of my face. The color was purple and they were slanted. I knew them, they were the eyes of...

"Candle!" his voice was quite.

"Messi," I said, I had not seen that spirit in probably 2 months after I sent him back to the spirit world.

"Hello child," he said, he voice was soft again. Almost as if he was wiser.

"Messi, what are you doing here?" I asked him, I wasn't mad, but I wasn't happy.

He smiled and his full body appeared. He was smaller, maybe because he wanted to talk to me face to face not in his hand.

"I am here to bring you news. I had good and bad," his smile went away," the bad news is that you have less than a year to master your next 2 elements. Your enemy is growing stronger every time he kills a bender. I fear he will be too strong when you face him."

"And what's the good news? It better be good," I said.

"I am on your side, me and my whole army of Kar, as you call them. We will be fighting on your side the day of the battle," Messi smile again. It was warmer this time not as fake as it was when he first smiled at me.

"Thank you , Messi," I said. The picture started to fade away, it was then that I realized that that was all a dream. What still nagged at the back of my head was what that thing was that had swallowed me. I opened my eyes to find Zach shaking.

"Candle, wake up! Dinner," he was yelling.

"If you don't stop shaking me right now, I will punch you in the gut," I yelled back, I was not a happy person when I wake up. Especially when they wake me up by shaking.

"OK, OK. Sorry, but dinner is done. Gabe said you would be hungry and told me to go wake you up. He was peeling carrots last time I saw him," Zach let me go and was now sitting at the edge of my bed. I slept in a room of the loft. You see the layout of the house is like this. When you come in through the hard oak door you see a loft above the living room, in the back of the living room was a french door leading out to a deck. To the left when you come in is a kitchen. It's huge a U shape that had a island in the middle. Off to the right was three doors. 1 was a bed room, 1 was a bathroom, and the last was a laundry room.

Up on the second level, which had the loft. There was 3 rooms on each side of the building. One was a full bath, and the others were bedrooms. Zach and Gabe were sharing a room for the time we were here. They didn't seem to mind though.

"Yeah I'm coming,"I slowly crawled out of bed and collapsed on the floor. I was still tried, I slowly pushed myself across the floor with my feet.

Heaven's New Prophecy (An avatar the last air bender fan-fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora