Chapter 31: One Hell of A Battle

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Candle's POV.

I had been escorted to the room I would be staying in. I was still going to be in the Hospital, but now they had put me in the resident part. This part of the hospital had been carved into the ice. The whole tribe's tribe was built in a giant crater.

My new clothes were indeed warm. Though this was all I owned now. My sword and my clothes. Anything that White Hair might had haven would have been blown up by now or maybe turned into a block of ice. Sapphire had come by my room to talk to me about getting to the next place. Though I told her that anything that I had in my backpack was gone. Including that letter that Mom had left.

We still couldn't ask my Mom because she was still under lots of watch since she hasn't shown any signs of gaining any weight. Which she desperately needed to be able to walk. I wanted to talk to her. The time I had with her might have freaked her out a little. With that mental breakdown and how I asked her those questions and then blew up the place. Stranding us out in the middle of the one of the coldest places on Earth. Yeah, I probably wasn't mentally sane anymore.

I knew one thing though. I had killed a lot of people. Me and that plan to get out, I had blown up a whole base for the enemy and probably ended up killing a couple hundred people. If there was one thing I had learned, it was that the people who won in wars were always the ones who weren't good. They always won at a price, like the lose of something valuable.

I guess what I am trying to say is. You can't win without something loosing. Yeah, us that as a quote. Maybe put it in my autobiography. That would be funny... yeah I was losing my mind.

"Candle?" I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in," I said. In stepped Mara. She looked like she had been crying.

"You look dreadful," she said. Her English accent shown through. I felt like smiling.

"Have you looked in a mirror lately?" I asked.

"I see," she said, her face didn't meet my eyes.

"Mara, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Candle, I-i don't know what to do," she said.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we have been traveling all across the world. One so you can learn how to master all the elements and two because we're running. Candle, we just killed hundreds of people, how can I live knowing that?" she asked, by now she was at the foot of my bed. She was laying against it crying.

"Mara, do you think we are going to win in this war?" I asked plainly.

"What? Yeah, I think we are," she said.

"Then we are going to half to pay the price," I told her. She continued to cry. It almost hurt me to see her like this. She looked dreadful Her hair had grown very long. To where it was now down to her butt. Mine had too. I can feel it brush against my knees when I walk. We all hadn't had haircuts in a year and a half.

I ended up leaning back in my bed. The my bed was now queen sized, like the one I had had at home. I wasn't used to having such a big bed. Though I still hadn't grown out of the habit of yelling, kicking, and walking in my sleep. I had been told countless times to stop, awake or not. After about an hour of listening to Mara crying softly i had fallen asleep.


I was woken up by soft mumbling. The room looked empty though. I might have been hearing the sounds from outside. I sat up and listened again. There it was the soft mumbling again. It came with vibrations too. I felt around for my glasses, and found them. I quickly threw off the my blanket, which hadn't been on when I had fallen asleep, and walked down the hall.

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