Chapter 24: A Free Falling Christmas?

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Candle's POV.

Months have passed since we got here. Though I still remember our journey to the Spirit clearly. Alex had only been wounded in the spirit world, which I guess is OK. It's December now and it's Christmas Eve. I wish I could spend the time with my family back in the Redwood Forest. But I can't let them know I am alive yet, that would be sending up a red flag that we were in fact alive to everyone who wants us dead.

The signs on our hands had gotten brighter throughout the passing months. Henry predicted it was because of the winter solstice coming up. The days had gotten colder and we had all gone out to the market to get warmer clothes and some more since we only had the few that we had packed. Maria offered to buy us new bags, which we didn't say no to. Our bags that we had started with had been stained, torn, and soaked many times and we needed new ones since we still had months of traveling and carrying bags to come.

She bought us all hiking bags at a small store on the outskirts of town. She said they had the best bags you could hope for for the next half year. I had gotten a pale orange one. The others got colors that matched their bending colors, as our original bags were.

Henry had also said that he was going to take us on a special trip before we ended our stay here. Over the past few months we had been mastering earth, and Maria had been teaching all 6 of us Karate as a side thing that she knew. We had grown very close to Aldo, Henry, and Maria and I knew that the next day that we weren't with them would feel very weird.

Alex had also been helping me out with air, we hadn't been practicing together for months and Alex just came up to me and said it's time for me to learn again. I agreed.

"Candle, pay attention. You have one more move to learn!" Henry yelled at me. We were back at our regular place to practice. We had gone out farther into the mountains and camped for days on end out there to learn more about the rock and how the earth is shaped to our advantage.

"What? Oh, yeah," I went red a little and got into stance. One last thing that Henry was teaching us was basically how to create a wave and walk on it. It's was sorta like a move in water bending where you ride a wave on the water. Though this is on land.

We have come close to mastering the move, but Henry wanted us to have a little fun today. We were to race with the rock wave. Aldo was allowed to come and Henry also would be racing us.

We raced throughout the day until well after the sun went behind the mountain. We had all been worn out and planned to get back to the house as quickly as possible. We were expecting a great Christmas Eve dinner. I had pleaded to stay and help cook things or make a pie, it was something I had done for years on end. Henry said that I had to do this if I were to be considered a master at earthbending. I couldn't refuse and instead had to go out and master an element.

Maria had promised that either way I would be happy and would enjoy the lamb and other foods when I got back.

"Aldo, do you usually have other people with you and your family at Christmas?" Zach asked Aldo. He seemed to be shivering in his jacket.

"Not normally sometimes Grandma will come down or one of my aunts but for the pass 3 years I haven't seen anyone come down for Christmas. Sometimes people from the church come up here and talk to us, but we make sure they don't stay late enough to see the spirits come out at night," he explained.

"Oh, yeah I haven't seen my mom or dad for about a year. They were taken from us and we have been trying on our off times to locate them, but they don't even show up if we were to Google their names," Zach sighed. We all missed out parents and Mara must have missed her Aunt very much.

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