Chapter 5: Meeting the family

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Candle's POV.

The rain was coming down in sheets. I could hear it pelting the car at high force. How Creg could be so calm in this, I don't know. Mara was behind me, and Alex across from her. You see it's a minivan, so the two middle seats were separated by a small isle. About half a foot across. The back seats were all together, and the front seats were separated by a small table which had sheets for his children's school.

"So, Candle. Right?" he asked.

"Yep, behind me is Mara, and across to her is Alex. As you already know. Behind Mara is Zach and behind Alex is Gabe. In the middle of them is Sapphire," I explained.

"Great-," but he was cut off. Some wind hit our car at amazing force. We swerved off the road for a couple seconds, into some cattle herd that was on the side of the road.

"Whoa!" I heard Zach and Sapphire yell.

"Hold on, only one could mean that type of wind blast," he said getting back on the road and hit the accelerator pedal, to its full value," Tornado. Only 11 miles away from us."

We all were in shock. For a while all we did was sit there in silence watching as the shrubs and grasses blew toward the tornado. Every once and a while something for past.

"Wait I have an idea," I turned back to Sapphire," it involves getting out of the car. Sapphire I need you to come."

She stared at me in pure shock. Then nodded.

"What!" Creg yelled," I am not letting you go out there!"

"It's us getting out there or the whole car being swept up by tornado," I said, I didn't wait for his response and opened the door. Sapphire did the same for the door in front of me.

Against the wind, rain, and a raging tornado, we climbed to the top of the car.

"OK, here's the plan," I said and then got down to the back of the car. I stood on the small back bump. I knocked on the window behind me. It rolled down," Gabe Zach I need you to hold us with this rope," I pulled it from the trunk bottom.

They nodded and and we tied it onto our selves. Gabe grabbed my end and Zach Sapphire's. Then we climbed back up to the top of the car. I could see the tornado from here, it wasn't a pretty sight, ripping up grass and trees. Almost looked like my death. Which might happen.

"Ok, were going to take our firebending and blast the fire to make the car go faster. Now mind that it's already going 90 miles per hour. So we need to make it go about, um, 130. That tornado is also gaining speed, and debris," I explained, she nodded. I could see the fear in her eyes and determination. I knew I had the same in my face.

Then the rain came down harder. I could feel every drop and the wind. I could feel its power, I knew that Mara and Alex felt the same.

"Wait!" I heard a voice.

"Huh?" I turned and saw Alex climbing.

"I'm helping. Air can help push. I could also try to keep the tornado under control, they are made up of air mostly," I nodded, and took my stance.

The wind picked up, as if it didn't want us to do this.

"Ready?!" I yelled.

'Yeah,' They said in my head.

"Now!" I yelled and then we all blasted as much power as we could give. Things flew at us at amazing speeds. But we didn't give up. Soon the tornado went faster and came closer. Alex had other plans though, he stopped blasting air and tried to take the air out of the tornado. leaving only the debris to fall to the ground.

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