Chapter 20: A blast of The Past

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Candle's POV.

We walked up the trail, it had been about 15 minutes since we had started. Though it was all uphill. Zach's uncle had said that he lived up on a ledge that overlooked the city.

"So what are you doing here. You mom told me that you would be coming sometime in the next year or two. It seemed like she was in a hurry so she didn't tell me everything," Zach's Uncle asked.

"Oh well... um Mara tell Uncle Henry what we are doing," Zach looked at her hoping she would tell the story.

"Ok fine I'll do it. So do you remember the war that happened 200 years ago?" Mara asked.

"Why yes, I know lots of information on that. I actually study it for a hobby. Everything that happened up until now," he said.

"Awesome. So that darkness that killed Aang is back. He has been chasing us across the world, and he must had have someone tell the British government about us because they are after us now. We have many close calls, all which we barely made out of. What we have noticed is that they do have benders of all type air, earth, fire, and water and that they where mask," Mara explained.

"I see, well you are looking for answers right? Well you've come to the right place. Follow me we are going to stray from the trail for a while," He took a shape left and walked quickly into the forest. We almost ran after him he was walking so fast. Almost as if he was worried about something or someone.

We walked into this cave. The outside made a sorta arch shape there was a dent in the top right corner. After about 15 feet the light started to go away.

"Um, the Mr. Henry the light is going out," Alex said as we walked on.

"I know, we aren't supposed to have light to find our way," he laughed when he saw what little we could all see of Alex's face. It looked really confused and part of me wondered if he was getting scared.

Seconds after Henry laughed the whole cave lit up. Purple crystals lined the walls and ceiling, lighting the whole way and. Henry said that this cave was called the cave of the 2 lovers. Long ago there were 2 lovers from 2 different towns. The 2 towns hated each other, so to meet they made tunnels underground, the crystals lit the way so that it people came in with torches or lanterns they would be lost. They made these tunnels with the power that the badgers taught them, earthbending.

The 2 towns went into war and the man was called off to fight. Once the war was over the woman looked for him hard. Then she was told that the man had died in the fight, her depression hit her. She unleashed the power that she had learned, and created the mountains. Her power sent so far that she almost destroyed the 2 towns. She stopped just before then, the tunnels they had made remained untouched. Their names were Oma and Shu.

"Henry where are we going?" Gabe asked.

"You want to know the story right? I am taking you to a place in these tunnels that can show you," he said. That was all that was said for the next hour. The tunnel curved and takes sharp turns every once and a while. But it never went up hill.

Then I saw I really bright light. Instead of purple it was blue. As we got closer my eyes were starting to squint, and the glare on my glasses was not helping. Henry seemed to be fine, I fact he seemed to almost be cool with the light.

We entered the place where the light was coming from, it was a huge cavern. Filled top to bottom with pictures and words that I couldn't read. I turned around and saw that the light was gone, almost as if we passed through a barrier. I guess it was one way for light.

"Come, sit down in a circle. You are about to learn the history of the man you are going to fight," Henry looked serious now, like there was something we were missing. We all sat down and kept silent, no one dared to make a sound.

"Long ago when benders were big in numbers and it wasn't uncommon to meet one, in fact it was almost unheard of to not know a bender. When there were whole nations made out of them. They all lived in peace, for the Avatar had brought peace," Henry started, all at once when the words left his mouth the pictures on the walls started to move and jump off. They floated around the the room. Instead of the black charcoal they were drawn in they glowed blue.

"Candle, your arms," Sapphire whispered to me. I looked down, they were also glowing. Brighter than they have ever.

"Aang was the Avatar at the time," Henry continued as if nothing was happening," He had brought peace and had created a new city on the edge of the earth kingdom. To us it is now known Britain. But there was someone in the city who didn't like his ways, he was a non bender and believed that all benders should be gone from the world. He joined the army against the benders, there was almost half of the city's population in the group and they were growing. Lots of cities and small towns were joining them.

Over time and years they began growing, with this man at the center of it. They had about 400,000 men and women at their peak. They were starting to kill benders, first it was small things, but then they started to kill of important people. The metal benders who were police, the fire benders who supplied electricity. And even farther up the ranks, but no one could find them after they did it. Faster than the benders that would clear away what ever had been left to hide their escape.

Then Aang decided to act. It was at a council meeting on a cold winter day in the middle of December. The most important benders of their time were there all talking about that one man. Then the doors of the hall burst open, cold air and snow rushed in. Out of the snow stepped one man, he was wearing a metal mask. The eyes glowed purple, the color of the rebellion. Everyone was still and then cries of agony went out all at once, every person was screaming like they were being stabbed with a hot knife. And then it stopped, everyone dropped dead on the floor," Henry looked dead serious, almost as if he was going to kill something.

"The Aang, Katara, Toph, Zuko were dead. Sokka was dead soon after. Every bender in the land was put into labor, either to be sold to powerful non benders or to be killed. Very, very few escaped, only about 2% of the population of the benders escaped and settled down in very remote dangerous areas," And at the moment he finished the story and the pictures died and returned to the wall to there dark and gloomy state. The room became as lifeless as a skeleton in a coffin.

I looked down the hallway we came. The crystals were glowing gray, as if all the power had gone.

"Come we must be off, Maria is waiting with dinner," Henry got up, adjusted his backpack, and started out. we didn't even move an inch. He looked back at us.

"Come now, you are acting like you had just seen a ghost," he laughed.

"Um, sir. We did just see a ghost," Gabe said, he looked slightly pale.

"Well, maybe you did, but maybe you just say the past. Both are the same and both are different," he winked at us and started walking down again,"come on or you won't be eating dinner for the few days, Zach, Candle."

The sound of dinner and not being able to have it woke me up I guess, because the next thing I knew I was bolting to catch up with him, along with the rest of my friends.


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