Chapter 17: A new move

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Candle's POV.

"So you guys got it?" I asked them. I had just finished explaining what Esbin had told me. They started to nod.

"Do you think this will work?" Mara asked looking at me, I started to feel some sweat on my forehead. I knew Mara was smarter than me. She was better at thinking of plans. I swallowed.

"Yeah," I sounded more confident than I was. She smiled and nodded, everyone else seemed to take her word and nodded. I sighed and sat down, everyone left to change for bed. I sat and put on a sweatshirt.

I sat for what seemed like forever but I was sure it had only been about 2 minutes. I stood up and walked outside. I climbed up into the tree and found an opening looking out into the forest. I sat there on the branch. I must have been a very small branch because I only had about three steps before I had to sit.

It was one beautiful night, I could see the stars and the moon was so big. I pained me to think that in less than two days we would have a fight. I dozed off, until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped, I still wasn't used to that kind of surprise.

"Oh, sorry I didn't mean to scare you," It was Gabe. He sat down next to me.

"No, no it's fine I was just dozing off," I said, I suddenly remembered something about school," hey do you remember my friend Maxine. You know the girl who played trumpet?"

"Yeah, she was the one who you had all your classes with except for math right?" he asked.

"Yeah, I wonder if she has seen those things saying that we are lost. I wonder if the president told the press that we were alive," I leaned back onto a branch that was behind me. This one was pretty thick.

"I wonder where our parents are and Mara Aunt," he looked up at the sky," You know that the constellations are different here in the southern hemisphere?"

"Yeah, but I can never make out one," I said sitting up and looking.

"Yeah, I learned some, but I can't remember them right now. Sorry," he said sheepishly. I smiled and laughed.

"It's cool. I probably won't remember them either of you told me," I was quiet for a while. I had leaned back on the branch, Gabe had too," do you think that the attack will work. I mean it was something I had made up in about 30 seconds."

"I think it will. Something you must have learned from logic. Though since our adventure logic hasn't really been working for us, so I can't really say yes or no. Though I believe that it could work," he said. I could see some blue lights off in the distance. I took care not to be enchanted by them.

I sat for a long time. Gabe and I talked about a few things, but nothing really important. I still didn't feel tired though I could see that he was. I was sure that the others were already asleep. Alex had probably gotten new bandages, his head wound was getting smaller each day. The medics said that it would probably leave a scar but nothing too major. Sapphire said that her arm was doing great and that she could fight with her other hand and legs.

"Well I'm going to bed. I can't stay awake I am afraid I will fall out of the tree," He said sitting.

"Ok, good night," I said and turned back to the sky. I started to get lost in thought when I felt something wet on my cheek, but it was gone in a few seconds. I looked over and saw nothing, but I knew what it was. He had just kissed me. I started blushing, but ended it quickly. I started to stare at the sky again.

The time seemed to go slowly and before I knew it I was nodding off. I started to sing a lullaby that my mom had sang to me when I was little,

"Hush child, the darkness will rise from the deep

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