Chapter 16: Going Out On A Long Shot

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Candle's POV.

So everyone's back. It was funny when they explained how they thought that Zach and I had died. I assured them that we were fine, what was surprising was how each one of them got hurt, except for Mara but she got soaked.

Sapphire had her arm set and wrapped. Her broken arm would last for a long time, but not as long as we had expected. Alex had a welt on his head and the cut on his arm was treated and they said it would not leave a scar. Gabe had a few cuts that were quickly treated with leaves and oils. Mara had been brought new clothes, along with the rest of us while our old ones were washed and repaired. Our bags had acutely been thrown out by the pilot and crew. The scouts had found them and brought them back. None of our gifts from Alex's family had been broken.

Though our clothes were taken and washed along with our other things. My books had been smashed and most of the pages had been bent backwards. I had a mini freak out, but I got over it and set them out so that they could fix themselves. All the other things had been fine. My phone and tablet had not been damaged from the clothes being at the bottom. I was glad, but soon found no signal. I turn on my tablet and nothing had appeared at the notification bar. I was sure because of no wifi.

We had spent about a day here just resting and settling in for the next week or two weeks were Amber would teach Mara and me. What we really were focusing on was getting Mara trained up so that we wouldn't have to stay here for months while I quickly mastered it. From books that Mara had read it said that it takes year to master each element. I had to do this in a year and a half. I was only August, but the year was leaving fast. It was also later in the month than I had thought. My tablet had said it was the 20th, after December I had a year. Like that wasn't obvious.

"Candle you ready for our first lesson?" she asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, I'll be outside in a second. I am just making sure my things are fine," I told her she smiled and then closed the sheet. I turned on my tablet one more time. It was at 40%, it would die soon and they had no electrical sockets. I would have to wait until I came upon another one. I turn off the wifi and all apps that would take wifi.

I walked outside and saw Mara and Amber standing right there they were talking about water bending.

"OK, I'm ready," I told them.

"Great, we are going to go head down to the river. I should take us about 10 minutes to get there," Amber said, we nodded and ran over to the vines. We didn't stop but jumped up onto them to get a good head start. Mara, who still had been given a lesson on how to ride on the vines jumped and held onto my back and shoulder.

We were there quicker than I thought, though 20 minutes wasn't that long.

"OK, so first I want to ask you what you know about water bending. Do you know any moves? Do you know how to make them more powerful? Do you even know how to move water?" she asked, though putting a annoyed accent on the last question.

"Well, Candle and I know how to move water, we had a waterbending master back when we were at Yellowstone, back in America. But we only stayed there for so long. We didn't really get through much training. What we really focused on was getting Alex and Candle trained so we could move onto the next element," Mara explained. Amber nodded, but I was sure she was trying to figure out where to start.

"Well we can start with a simple move. I am sure you know how to move water," Amber said and we walked up to the river," just place your hand in front of the water. My your palms face to water. Move them to the left, while moving them up."

We did so, Mara and Amber got it the first time. I struggled slightly to gain control of it, but I soon had a long strip of water out of the river. I made me wonder how I even kept the water open for Amber and them, while fighting that jaguar.

Heaven's New Prophecy (An avatar the last air bender fan-fiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum