The Meeting

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"There are people outside the camp!"

What a wonderful way to start the morning.

I groaned and rolled over. My head hurt a ton from where Piper had knocked me out last night. Stupid charmspeak,

"Come on Leo! Get up!" Nyssa shouted, whacking me with a pillow,

"I'm up! I'm up!"

I got dressed hurriedly, ignoring the look of distaste on Nyssa's face.

Exiting my cabin, I found Calypso, Piper, Annabeth and Frank waiting for me. I assumed Percy was still getting up, but I wasn't sure where Hazel was,

"Hazel insisted that Nico come, who wants to get Will," Calypso told me, "The Hunters are already at the border."

"You read my mind, Sunshine!" I exclaimed, giving her a peck on the cheek.

She flushed lightly,

"Don't call me Sunshine."

I ignored her and together we went to the border, Hazel joining us with Will and Nico part way,

"Who is it?" Annabeth asked once we reached the Hunters, "and why aren't they being distracted by the enchantment?"

I winked at the new girls, who didn't react quite as I'd hoped. Keyless looked away while Neenaw pulled a face and stuck out her tongue.

Calypso slapped me on the arm,

"What? Keyless and Neenaw are allowed to look too?" I asked, wounded,

"One, I'm your girlfriend, and two, their names are Kelsey and Nina." she hissed back, whilst Thalia was explaining that they weren't sure who was outside,

"So we don't have any idea who's out there?" Annabeth asked.

Thalia grinned a grin that made me want to run and hide,

"Not quite. I sent Reyna on a scouting mission."

I blinked. I hadn't even realised she was gone.

We stood around awkwardly for a minute, waiting for Reyna to come back. When she did, I raised my hands and praised the gods,

"Finally! We've been waiting a minute! A whole minute! Do you know who long that is? Sixty seconds! Praise the gods that it wasn't longer!"

Reyna did but look happy at my outburst. No one did actually.

I coughed awkwardly,

"Sorry, you can talk now."

Calypso rolled her eyes as Reyna began to speak,

"Alright, I checked out the mortals. There appears to be five of them, four men and one woman- "

Those of us who had met the Avengers exchanged glances - not including Thor, who would be recognised as a god, those were the exact ratios of the team,

"What are they wearing?" Piper asked for confirmation,

"The woman was in a black bodysuit and the men were in a robot suit, a very patriotic costume, a checkered shirt and jeans, and a dark purple combat outfit. The only reason I could tell Iron Suit was male is because he spoke, the suit covers him completely," Reyna told us.

It was the Avengers, a day earlier than when we'd planned to go and see them last night. How the Hades had they managed to find us? Did they place a tracker on us? They couldn't have done, I would have sensed it, and there would have been loads more monsters attacking us. So how did they do it?

Percy Jackson meets The AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now