We're In Some Hot Water, Help Us Out Perce.

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Well we're screwed.

I would use charmspeak, but there's mortal evidence, according to Percy, so that wouldn't help.

We looked around at each other, hoping someone had a plan. I concentrated on Annabeth, the confusion was still in her eyes, but she was focusing on the issue at hand,

"Are you evil mutants working for Magneto?" Clint asked, glaring at us.

We burst out laughing, it was too ridiculous. It seemed that Thor was also trying not to laugh. Hmm. That's interesting.

The Avengers looked confused, I didn't blame them, after Leo's little display earlier and now this, they must be feeling pretty baffled,

"Us.... Evil mutants. Oh gods that's too funny!" cried Percy, falling helplessly onto Annabeth's shoulder.

Steve looked at us wonderingly before calling a time out,

"Can we have a group chat quickly?" he asked,

"Only if we can," I agreed hurriedly, before someone could mess it up by saying no, Percy looked like he wanted to.

The Avengers exchanged looks,

"I don't know about that, you are suspected terrorists," worried Bruce,

"Well then you can't have your little talk."

"We can, we would just leave this room," defended Tony,

"By the looks of it, that wouldn't be very private. Face it, your best bet is to agree with us," countered Annabeth.

Steve sighed,

"Alright fine."

The Avengers stood up and walked over to one corner of the room.

We mimicked their actions to the corner diagonally opposite theirs.

I switched to Greek so they wouldn't understand us if they came too close,

"What are we going to do?" I hissed,

"I don't know! I don't even know how we got into this mess!" Percy defended in Latin.

Calypso sighed,

"I don't know what we can do, other than tell the truth, there doesn't seem to be a way out of this," she stated in Greek.

Leo shook his head,

"We can't tell them, mama chica, you know the gods will blast the living daylights out of us."

"Wait," Annabeth paused, "we only laughed at being evil mutants, we could still pretend to be regular mutants."

"How do we explain the incidents?" Frank asked in Latin, looking over at Clint,

"Could we say that someone was chasing us?" Hazel suggested,

"It would have to be a lot of someones, considering how much trouble we've each caused," remarked Percy.

Sometimes I forgot he could be smart, often he was just a Seaweed Brain, like having a nosebleed and waking up Gaia. Though, Annabeth had told me about his great battle strategies during the Titan war,

"How did we meet then? None of us was in the same place all together for a while," asked Calypso, fiddling with the hem on her dress,

"Um... Percy and I met in highschool, when he was being chased by some people. Later on there was an exchange program with the Romans, Jason went to the wrong school and meet Leo and Piper, then I found him and brought all of you back once we realised you were mutants," Annabeth started.

Percy Jackson meets The AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now