How Do We Fight, You Ask? Good Question.

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My opinions on all of this? I still think I'm dreaming. I will admit I pinched my arm several times during the ride in the Sun Chariot to no effect.

Now would be my first view of the monsters eternally hunting these kids down,

"Then we'd better leave straight away right?" Tony asked,

"Nay Stark, the Bifrost remains open for the entire journey and we cannot risk anything following us through."

"Oh wonderful. What a marvellous design feature," Leo commented sarcastically,

"So fighting then? What's the plan?" Bruce wondered,

"You guys stay back. You can't hurt the monsters with your weapons so it's safer for us to do the work," Nico replied.

I did not like that idea very much and protested loudly. Several glares from the demigods shut me up,

"We've been doing this kind of stuff for years," Percy clarified, "We aren't normal kids."

I guess that I did forget that - it's really not everyday that you meet someone with a life like theirs. That still doesn't mean I was happy with it, but I relented for now,

"Can't we at least do something? I get that we may be a liability during the battle but I don't just want to sit idly by twiddling my thumbs whilst you lot risk your lives in front of me," Bruce suggested,

"Any of you good at strategy? We need a plan."

"I have a plan, attack."

"Oh gee, I never would have guessed that we should attack. The Great Tony Stark is truly wonderful," Thalia rolled her eyes as she spoke.

Nat suggested that we reach out for backup from our allies, to which Reyna flipped us a large golden coin and told us to throw it into a rainbow and ask the rainbow goddess to show Camp Half-Blood.

Because of course we knew how to make a rainbow with no rain.

At this point though, we could all hear the calls of several monsters out for blood, so there wasn't time to ask.

The demigods and hunters stepped forwards as the rest of us stepped back. We didn't have the best view, due to Thor placing himself between us and the others just in case, and the Hunters remaining quite close for ranged assult.

I must say, the Greek monsters were very weird. I saw some snake-like creatures that seemed to be missing a spine but had what looked like ram horns on their heads for one. There were about twenty of those, but they didn't seem to be very hard to fight. I wondered how evolution decided that a long body didn't need to be protected by a spine.

Did evolution even apply to monsters?

Oh now those ones were weird. They had the forequarters of a horse, but the rear quarters of a chicken. Somehow, they managed to remind me of another made-up creature from an animated series I was told to watch.

I also spotted a couple of blobs that didn't seem very threatening, they could have been nightmarish orchestrators of death for all I knew though. I didn't get a chance to find out however, as Nat called my attention to the rainbow Tony had somehow managed to make,

"Anyone know the rainbow goddess?" Clint asked, holding the coin,

"Tis Iris, Barton," Thor told him.

Clint muttered his thanks and threw the coin into the rainbow. Suprisingly, it vanished the moment it touched the light,

"Uh, Iris, please show us Camp Half-Blood?" Clint tried.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2021 ⏰

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