Oh Dear.... We're In Trouble

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"No way..." I breathed.

My horrible excuse for a father was enjoying this a lot. He looked like he wanted to laugh at our expressions.

Piper recovered fairly quickly, which I silently praised her for,

"Surely you don't want Ouranos to come back though?" She asked, "So what's stopping you from allowing us a chance to beat him?"

"Girl, I could not care less who is in charge of the heavens at long as it isn't Zeus," he chortled, "In fact, I'd welcome Ouranos' return, he'd free me from this prison and I would be able to come and kill you if he hadn't already."

I frowned. At this rate we weren't going to be able to get any help from him.

Nico spoke for the first time in a while,

"But surely things wouldn't be all that great for you though? I mean, you helped Kronos stay in control of the heavens and Ouranos is bound to be annoyed about that."

Atlas paused momentarily,

"Boy, I commend your effort but I am not going to help you further."

Like giving us a name was help.

Nico pressed on however,

"And, aren't you the barrier preventing him from enveloping the earth like he used to? He's not going to like that."

Atlas began to look uneasy,

"My grandfather understands that punishments aren't the decisions of the ones being punished."

"He didn't seem very reasonable to us, both in mythology and right now," I chipped in, cottoning on to what Nico was trying to do,

"Yeah, wasn't he the one who imprisoned a bunch of his own kids in Tartarus because they looked ugly?" Piper laid a little charmspeak into her words as she spoke,

"The Cyclopes and Hundred-handed ones are indeed quite unsightly," Atlas argued,

"Bit of an overreaction if you ask me. What does count as ugly though? His beauty standards could be incredibly high for all we know," Piper continued,

"Anyway, our bloodline is cursed. It would only make sense for him to kill you, if a curse is on it," I added,

"Daughter. Your little games will not work on me," Atlas boomed, but I could see the doubt in his eyes.

I gave a tiny triumphant smirk. Good job Nico for coming up with this.

Piper spoke up again,

"I heard that your father aided in the killing of Ouranos as well, and since he's in Tartarus still, you're the one he would target for that revenge."

Atlas looked slightly scared,

"My children would also be a target, would they not? What's to say he doesn't kill me and goes after them instead?"

Oh. That would actually be a viable option... Which would mean that I'd be targeted if he knew that I was off Ogygia,

"Don't think so, seems to us that he goes after the closest person to the ones he wants revenge on," Nico mused, shrugging slightly.

It seemed that my father had finally run out of excuses,

"All in all, getting rid of you would be very advantageous to him, don't you think?" I asked.

My father glared at me,

"I will share only a brief slice of information, nothing more. After that you're on your own."

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