Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters

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A.n Ok, before we start, let me just say that I don't know very much about X-men so this will (hopefully) be the most inaccurate part of the story.


After our demonstration of powers, the Avengers went to talk to Pirate Man in the corner. Yeah, I was using Leo's name, it was more fun. I didn't know what they were talking about, but from the way they looked when Piper was doing her thing, it was nothing good.

To be honest, she had scared me too. It wasn't like Piper to go all out, normally she avoided using charmspeak unless she had to. I guess she and Hazel must have had a bonding time together and Hazel had told Piper about the nicknames in her past.

There was no way Tony could have known, but he might have been a bit more sensitive. I was also mad at him, but I couldn't do anything and I knew that there was no point.

Finally, the Avengers walked back over to us,

"Ok. You might not be a threat to us at the moment, but you are still dangerous. So, we have decided to send you to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters," Steve told us,

"What's that?" I asked blankly.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Annabeth looking as if she wanted to face-palm.

The Avengers looked at me weirdly,

"That's the school for good mutants, which you are. Right?" Natasha explained,

"Of course, sorry. Running from place to place means you don't hear much about schools and stuff," Annabeth replied smoothly.

Oh. Cover story. Right.

Natasha nodded and the weird looks vanished,

"We'll also give you back your weapons before you leave. If you need them to fight these -these monsters then I guess you should keep them," Bruce affirmed.

We breathed out sighs of relief. We really didn't want to have to get new weapons, especially since they weren't mortal weapons and would probably be tested on,

"Before we do, mind telling me what they're made of? It's not anything known," Tony asked.

I stiffened, as did a few of the others. Surprisingly, it was Leo who got us out of this,

"Sorry man, we just found them and they seemed to work on monsters, so-"

He shrugged, giving Tony an expressive look. Tony had a regretful expression, but I didn't dwell on it. I had bigger things to worry about.

Soon we would be shipped off to a school that we didn't belong in, and with six half-bloods (and an ex-titaness) it wouldn't be long before the monsters came a-calling.

The next half hour drifted by in a daze, Pirate Man was on the phone to this school, arranging our arrival, Bruce insisted that we go to a medical bay to check if we had sustained any injuries, Natasha claimed that if none of us had fainted yet then we were fine, and Tony was chatting to Leo about mechanics stuff.

Eventually, Pirate Man came back, and said we had to go. We said some not very sincere goodbyes to the Avengers and got into the black car we were shown to.

Of course there was an agent driving. We couldn't talk at all, and worse still, the agent said nothing, once again leaving a bunch of ADHD teens with nothing to do.

Leo started tinkering with some stuff he pulled from his tool belt - the agent raised an eyebrow at that - and ended up making a tiny working helicopter. It entertained us a while, before it crashed into the window and broke. We were left with nothing to do again.

Percy Jackson meets The AvengersWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt