Agents Decide to Attack Me

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Now, you'd think I deserved a break after all I did for the world. You know, the 2nd Titan and Giant wars; getting Apollo to camp; and beating a giant gold automaton whilst being sick with a really bad cold.

Of course not. Annabeth and I were hoping for a relatively normal life, or as normal as a demigod can get, and we had been for several months, but no, some dude decided I was a potential threat. Now normally, the police would deal with a potential terrorist but at least one person had been clear-sighted and seen me using my powers.

So now this agency called SHIELD wanted to talk to me. At least, that's what the people who came to beat me up said,

"Perseus Jackson, could you come with us please."

I turned around. I had been walking to Central Park to meet up with Annabeth, Leo, Calypso, Hazel, Frank and Piper, mostly to talk about Jason's.... death.

"I'm sorry, what?" I said, trying to be as polite as possible.

When people usually call me by my first name, it's because they want to kill me, which is definitely not on my to-do-list. Mostly because Annabeth would kill me again when she found out,

"We're here from SHIELD, we just want to talk to you about any potential powers you may have."

Oh. Oh. They thought I was an inhuman or whatever they were called. There were two of them, a male and a female,

"You come from a shield?" I asked, incredulously, hoping to get them to say it's full name.

Of course, I knew what SHIELD was but I still loved hearing it out loud,

"You misunderstand, Mr Jackson, SHIELD stands for Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division," The man clarified.

I snorted. I couldn't help it. The name was just so stupid no wonder they shortened it.

The woman shot me a dirty look,

"Mr Jackson, if you could please just come with us now."

"I'm sorry, I have to be somewhere at the moment. My friends and I need to talk about another friend's death," I replied, still trying to hold on to the last little speck of politeness I had left.

"While that may be important, our matter is pressing, if you do not come, we will have to use force," The woman stated.

I shrugged, after all, I needed a work out,

"Very well then."

The woman ran at me and swung a punch, I dodged and countered with another that would have knocked her out had she not moved out of the way,

"You're fast," I commented, wisely.

She rolled her eyes and came at me again. Kick, punch, roll, duck, dive. She was good, I had to admit. Either that or I was rusty. Finally, I caught her with an uppercut to the jaw and she was out cold.

I caught her before she hit the ground though, and laid her there. No one around us seemed to care at all, I guess they were used to these kinds of things?

All this time the man had been waiting on the side, watching. Now he came at me. He was even better than the woman. Better, but not unbeatable. We fought for a few minutes. Within that time he landed several good hits on me, and I on him. Eventually though, he faltered and I performed Annabeth's signature move; the judo flip.

He crashed onto the ground, where he, too, was knocked out. I made sure that they would be comfortable before sauntering on, checking the monster-proof phone Leo had invented.

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