Camp Half-Blood

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Percy was dumb sometimes. Actually, I often thought it was a front, when I'd first met him, he had surprised me a lot by inferring the smallest things.

After I closed my eyes to concentrate, I gave my hand to Frank. Even that small gesture made me blush.

I concentrated on warping the Mist to my will. Give them what they want to see. I took a deep breath. My mind called up an image of us running, always just out of reach, vanishing if someone got too close.

I was distracted by Percy running into a tree. The illusion shattered and fell to pieces.

I was too tired to reform it, I hadn't slept well and the use of my powers in the fight earlier didn't help.

Frank squeezed my hand before letting go, and we continued running. We ran until we were at least a mile away, stopping in a clearing near a stream. I didn't hear what Percy and Annabeth were saying, I just walked to go and find the stream, to see if I could get a drink.

Thankfully, the stream was a clear one, and fast running, which was always a good sign, according to Annabeth.

I cupped my hands and scooped up some of the water, bringing my hands up to my lips so I could drink. The water was fresh, but not sweet, it didn't really taste of much.

I had another drink, dimly registering Frank coming up behind me,


"Hey," I replied,

"You did great earlier, with the Mist," he said awkwardly,

"Thanks," I continued drinking.

Frank knelt down next to me. I leant into his side, enjoying how warm he was,

"Did you not sleep well?"

I sighed,

"No, I kept remembering the House of Hades, and Pasiphaë, Clytius and the Doors."

Frank hugged me close. He didn't say anything. He didn't need to. I closed my eyes and rested on him for a few minutes.

We were interrupted, however, by the others crashing towards us like elephants. I should know, what with Hannibal and Frank,

"Hey, we were gonna call Chiron. Either of you got a drachma?"

That was Leo of course.

I'd used up my last one yesterday, so I shook my head, whilst Frank patted his pockets.

It was Calypso who eventually produced one. I had no idea where she'd kept it, but she had one.

Percy used his powers and Calypso threw the drachma in, before asking for Chiron.

Chiron appeared in the middle of teaching an archery class, though he looked up when he noticed the Iris Message,

"Children! Are you ok? Austin, Kayla, do you mind taking over for a short while?"

He directed the last part towards the two Apollo campers next to him,

"Yeah Chiron, we're fine. We just got attacked by some monsters and now we don't know where we are or how to get to camp," Annabeth explained,

Chiron looked at us in worry, stroking his goatee,

"This is rather good timing, actually. Rachel just arrived."

I didn't know the Oracle that well, since I was usually at Camp Jupiter, helping Frank. Being Praetor is hard, which is why we took a break and put Lavina and Leila in charge.

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