Capture The Flag

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I didn't trust the new hunters. Kelsey seemed too shy, and Nina was too rude. I didn't voice my concerns, however, as at this point they were unreasonable and didn't mean anything.

We strolled down the hill, catching up on recent events with Reyna and Thalia. I let my mind drift to Capture the Flag, which we would be playing later that night.

The alliances were as follows:
Blue team - Poseidon, Hades, Athena, Aphrodite, Apollo, Hermes, Tyche, Thalia and Nina
Red Team - Demeter, Ares, Hephaestus, Dionysus, Hecate, Hebe, Nemesis, Iris, Hypnos, Nike, Reyna and Kelsey.

Thalia had decided to split the hunters who were here, since there weren't enough of them to play a full match against each other,

"Though we'd still totally whoop your butts," she added to that comment,

The Roman demigods had decided to play for their Greek godly counterpart as other alliances would be too much of a hassle, and Calypso was playing with Leo.

I spent dinner on the Aphrodite table considering strategies for the game. My siblings weren't the best at fighting, but they did try, and Drew's charmspeak came in handy a couple of matches ago.

Annabeth would obviously take charge, but I was fairly sure I might be able to give some advice about strategies.

Finally, dinner was over, and we could play.

I strapped my armour on and called my siblings over to Annabeth and the rest of the blue team,

"Ok listen up!" She called, "I want Aphrodite and Apollo on border patrol with Thalia. Will Solace will be at the creek to tend to any wounded campers. Hermes cabin is in charge of laying traps and guarding the flag, with Nina and Hazel as guards for the flag itself. Malcolm will be leading the Athena and Tyche cabins on a frontal assult whilst Nico, Percy and I will be going for the flag itself. Everyone got that?"

We cheered in response, border patrol wasn't the most fun, but it was necessary in order to win.

Chiron stamped his hoof to get our attention,

"Remember campers! No more than two guards to a flag, the creek marks the boundary line, you may disarm but not injure prisoners and you may place your flag anywhere as long as it's in sight. No maiming or killing!"

With the end of his speech, we all raced into the woods, splitting up as the Hermes cabin took the flag to hide it, with Hazel and Nina following.

I lead the Aphrodite Cabin to the creek, where we fanned out, facing the enemy lines. I ended up with Kayla from Apollo on my right, and Lacy and Mitchell on my left.

A conch horn sounded out, signalling the start of the game.

I lowered myself into a fighting stance, ready and waiting for an attack as I saw the Athena and Tyche cabins charging at the Red Team's border patrol.

No attack from the other side came, so I focused on the ongoing battle. Out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw Nina slipping past our ranks. I turned my head properly to see that she was indeed sprinting away,

"Gods of Olympus, what does she think she's doing?" I cursed, "Lacy, go and see if Hazel's ok and if the flag needs another guard. Mitchell, stop any Hermes cabin members who might be chasing after her. Kayla? Do you think you could look after my cabin too while I go after her?"

When Kayla nodded, I took off, weaving through the clashing Red and Blue team members, disarming any who got in my way.

I tried to follow Nina as best I could, but she had gotten a head start, and, being a hunter, she was much faster than me as well.

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