Those Kids Are Weird

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After we returned to the tower, I sat in the lounge with the others for a little while.

Clint and Thor had a competition to see who could eat the most pop tarts in a minute, but for once, I wasn't interested.

My mind was firmly lodged on those kids. Who would have guessed they were all mutants? As for the monster attacks...

Wait a second. We never returned to those missing parents. Or the fact that Thor had a chat with them in private.

I hastily got up and went to my lab,

"Jarvis, can you access SHIELD's files from the base on 85th?" I called as I ran,

"Of course, sir. Anything else I can do for you?"

"Can you bring up the files of the kids, while you're at it?"

"Very well."

I entered my lab and played the footage. There were two sections I wanted to focus on: their talk and Thor's talk.

The first was almost impossible. They were speaking in multiple different languages. I could identify Latin, but not the other one, and all I got from that was,

"I don't know! I don't even know how we got into this mess!"

And that was not helpful.

Resigning myself that I wasn't going to understand it, with the closest match for one of the languages being Greek, I decided to focus on the chat with Thor.

That was even worse. Somehow, they were all speaking Norse. Probably an enchantment by Thor.

There were a jumble of words I could pick out and translate,

"Thor?...Norse God Thor?"

"Niece... Frey."




"Magnus... auburn... loving beer... you look like this?"


"...who's Magnus?...What's going on?"

" Magnus."

That was all I had. It wasn't much to go on.

It all seemed to hinge on this Magnus fellow.

I called up Annabeth's file, as it seemed she was the one who knew Magnus.

Finally! Bingo! Magnus was her cousin, who went missing for two years and then died, during a freak gas explosion.

I was out of the country at this point, so I don't know what happened, but some people swore there was a flaming giant on the bridge before it exploded.

If Magnus was dead, why was he so important? Why did none of them have a second parent?

I decided to take my research to Fury.

Walking to his office, I was stopped by Steve. That man is always so righteous, I wonder if he ever gets tired of it,

"Tony, where are you going?" he asked,

"To Fury, I did a little extra research on the teens," I replied, trying to sidle around him,

He frowned, and folded his arms, continuing to block my path,

"I thought we agreed sending them to that school would be the end of it."

"We did, but I wanted to know what they were saying whilst Thor was in there, and it's quite interesting," I justified.

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