Dinner and Demigod Dreams, What a Wonderful Combo

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I hated this place. The architecture was alright, I'd go as far as to say nice, but I still hated it.

Especially that Xavier fellow. I was sure it was him who was trying to get into my mind. I didn't let him, of course, I just thought about books instead.

When Jean showed us to our room, she told us that dinner would be in half an hour. I asked her quickly for directions to the boys' room, I was sure they had no idea where anything was,

"They're down the hall, take a left, then a right and straight on till the end of the corridor and they're the last door on the right!" she said cheerily, before leaving.

Man, this building's corridors were not designed well. It would be so much easier if their corridor was connected to this one, but nooo, it just had to be complicated.

Piper cautiously opened the door to our room. There were two bunk beds and a dresser, not that we had anything to put there, and a simple bathroom. Honestly, this was just basic stuff, they couldn't even put a carpet in. The floors were just plain wood and the walls grey stone.

Whilst I was looking at it critically, the others had already claimed bunks. The only one left was a bed beneath Piper, so I went there. That meant Hazel was underneath Calypso.


She had cursed me. Well, not me directly, but whoever Percy loved. She had apologised to Percy, but not to me and our interactions were still uncomfortable at best.

I thought back to our previous conversation, the one before we showcased our powers, she had been going to say something, before Tony interrupted. I wondered what it was...

"Hey, Calypso ?"

She looked up, startled,

"Y -Yeah ?" she asked, recovering quickly,

"What was it you were going to say earlier, before we did our powers stuff?"

She looked very uncomfortable, and her cheeks had gone a light pink,

" O -Oh."

She took a few deep breaths as if to prepare herself,

"Annabeth, I never got a chance to apologise for cursing you. It was wrong and I'm sorry, I'm happy with Leo and I don't want to ruin your relationship. I certainly never expected it to take effect, I didn't even know Arai existed - "

I cut her off before she could start a rant,

"Calypso, it's fine, honestly. I forgive you."

And it was. With those small words, I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my chest.

Hazel and Piper watched us curiously, before apparently deciding we were done,

"What do you guys think we ought to do before dinner?" Hazel asked, bouncing lightly on her bed as she sat,

"I think I'd quite like some girl time, now that we've all made up," Calypso suggested.

While that did sound good, I knew we had to contact Chiron as soon as possible,

"I think we should meet up with the boys and IM Chiron, sorry Cal," I said.

The others nodded and we got up as one,

"Anyone remember where that Jane girl said they were?" Calypso queried,

"Jean," I corrected, "and I think it was something like left, right, left, last door."

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