More Interrogation? And I Thought Sitting Still Was Bad.

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Ok, so, life is boring and I'm pretty sure we're going to spend forever in here.

After the really hot spy-lady left, we sat in the room for quite a while.

I was bored out of my mind. Before, I had started a game of tag with Percy and Frank, but the mood for games had vanished with the spy-lady.

Annabeth was amazing by the way, she like, totally called out the spy-lady in front of all of us, and got her to tell us her real name, Natasha.

But anyway, we were stuck in a room with nothing to do, even my awesome girlfriend Calypso couldn't make me feel better.

I sat in the floor, fiddling with the few items I'd gotten out of my tool belt before Annabeth hissed at me not to. Well I'm sorry this Super Sized McShizzle is too good with tech to be seen by our kidnappers!

Apparently the real reason was because she didn't want me pulling out more stuff than a regular pocket could hold. I was only told this because I was sitting in the floor, pouting, and Calypso knew what was wrong.

So, we sat there for a good hour. I mean, it was more like 20 minutes but it felt like an hour, so for me, it was an hour. Then, when I felt like banging my head on a wall, the door opened again and seven people stepped through.

One guy had an eyepatch on, I decided to call him Pirate Man.

Pirate Man turned to the others who had come in with him,

"All yours," he told them, with just a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

He strode out and slammed the door behind him, causing one of the other guys to flinch.

I leapt up, yelling,

"Finally! Who decided to leave a bunch of ADHD kids in a room with nothing to do? It felt like an hour till you arrived!"

I then proceeded to run around the room with my arms out on either side, flapping them and pretending to be a bird.

Maybe that was overdoing it, I didn't need to do it, but I felt like it, and I wanted to give the people we hadn't seen before a hint of Leo Valdez, Bad Boy Supreme.

They looked at me like I was crazy before signalling for us to sit down. Not like everyone but me was doing that anyway,

"Hello there, I'm Tony Stark, you may know me as Iron Man, and these are my colleagues, the Avengers."

"Tony, you didn't have to give that away," said a tall, blonde man.

He looked quite buff, if these were the Avengers, he had to be the leader,

"Nay, these young Midguardians have a right to our identities, if we want them to trust us," responded another tall, blonde man, who sounded like Shakespeare.

If I knew who Shakespeare was, it would help a lot, but I didn't post attention in school and Annabeth just told me he was a famous Elizabethan dude, before going off into a lecture,

"Hey! Can we get some chairs in here?" asked Natasha, the woman from before.

Some chairs were brought in and they sat down. I looked at them properly then.

There was a shortish man with salt-and-pepper hair and glasses; a slightly taller man with sandy brown hair and green eyes; next was Tony Stark, as he told us, who had dark brown hair and a goatee; and after him was the first tall, blond man, he looked really buff. Then there was the other tall, blond, buff man, though he was more golden. Finally, Natasha, she had short red hair that curled outwards at the edges,

"Hi, I guess we're introducing ourselves" said the first tall, blond and buff man, "My name is Steve Rogers."

"I'm Bruce Banner," continued the salt-and-pepper haired guy,


The sandy-haired dude was not friendly at all,

"Tony Stark, though I already said that."

Clearly Tony loved the sound of of his own voice,

"And I am Thor, young Midguardians," boomed the golden-haired guy.

Annabeth and Percy looked slightly confused at this, but decided to shrug it off and let them continue,

"We have looked at your files, at least, the files that we have," we were told by Steve.

For some reason, he looked especially hard at me. I couldn't think why, unless it was the fact that I was not-so-secretly tapping the Morse code for "You are an idiot" on my leg.

Perhaps he knew what I was tapping. Then again, my display earlier could also induce hard looks,

"Care to explain why two of you don't have files and the rest are full of potential terrorist acts?" finished Clint,

"Uhh... Wrong place, wrong time?" Percy tried.

Clint's eyes narrowed. Clearly he wasn't an idiot,

"Even if that was true, which I highly doubt, that still doesn't explain the missing files."

This time, Calypso stepped in,

"I was born on a desert island, my mother died and left me there when I was small, I was only rescued a few months ago," she said, smoothly.

Aw yeah, my girlfriend is awesome!

Hazel now had to come up with an excuse that would get her out of trouble as well. I could see she was nervous, her feet were surrounded by tiny, sparkling jewels. Frank gripped her hand tightly,

"I was on an island that collapsed, I was presumed dead when it was over, so you wouldn't have a file on me."

She looked very anxious, eyes filled with trepidation. I knew she could manipulate the Mist easily, so I wasn't sure why she wasn't. Then I remembered the park, at least one of them was clear-sighted, the Mist wouldn't help,

"That's true, SHIELD only has files on the living," mused Natasha,

"How did you escape the island?" Bruce asked, cleaning his glasses and looking at Hazel intensely.

Hazel's eyes darted to Frank, who gave her a tiny nod,

"My- my cousin found me trapped under some rock, my mother was already dead so he freed me and we got on a boat and left."

Well she was technically telling the truth, even if she left out a few details.

The Avengers nodded, accepting that as a reasonable answer. Bruce took some notes on a clipboard,

"Ok, well, what about the fact that each of you have a missing parent?"

"Coincidence," Piper said, charmspeak sifting into her words, I almost believed her, but I knew better.

I was just glad they hadn't picked up the could-be-called-terrorism incidents again.

Glancing over at the others, I realised Annabeth hadn't said anything during the entire exchange. She was staring at Thor, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I guess she hadn't let whatever it was go,

"This is all fine and dandy, but what about that kid having powers?" remarked Tony, pointing at Percy.

Uh oh.

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