Powers Time! Let's Show These Heroes Who's Boss!

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Leo is an idiot. I honestly wouldn't be sure why I went out with him, except he's my idiot.

Anyway, after Piper got Leo to shut up, I mostly just spaced out for the rest of the conversation. As a result, I had no idea what was going on when everyone started to leave the room,

"Where are we going?" I whispered to Leo,

"We're going to showcase our powers in a safer environment, Sunshine."

"Don't call me that!" I hissed, "Also when did we decide this?"

"I have no idea, I'm just waiting for an opportunity to make Pirate-Man more angry!"

"Leo... Don't you dare!"

He just stuck his hands in his tool belt and sauntered over to Percy, whistling.

I rolled my eyes.

Reasoning that I couldn't stop him from waiting for the moment to strike, I went to talk to Annabeth to work out what was going on,



"I totally spaced out just now, what are we doing?"

She looked at me kind of weirdly. Maybe she expected me to hate her because of the whole curse and everything? Honestly, that was a mistake made in a moment of jealously. I was happy with Leo and I didn't want to ruin their relationship because of some petty grudge,

"Well, the Director wanted to see our powers so we're going somewhere safer where things won't get destroyed."

"Yeah, Leo told me that. When and why?"

"Frank, Piper and Hazel came to an agreement with the director whilst I was trying to calm the Seaweed Brain down. In order for him to make a judgement over whether we are a threat, he needs to see what we can do," she explained,

"But surely we don't want him to know everything? Besides, we are dangerous," I persisted, knitting my eyebrows together,

"No, we'll only show a few things, after all, monsters are bound to come running, especially if Stark records it, which he looks like he might."

I peered over at Tony, who was walking in front with Steve and the Director. He certainly looked excited,

"Annabeth, I just wanted to say - "

"Here we are!" chirped Tony, sweeping an arm around to a rather unimpressive training room.

There were weights stacked in one corner, with a treadmill and some other standard fitness gear. The only things out of the ordinary were the ropes hanging from the ceiling, the gun range and the judo mat.

I didn't understand how it was any safer than the other room, but I wasn't going to point it out,

"Ok! Time to demonstrate! Who's up first?"

Tony was practically bouncing on the balls of his feet in his eagerness,

"Uhh... I guess I will?" Frank suggested,

"Very well, stand in the center, say your power and demonstrate please," indicated the Director.

Frank hesitantly moved to the center of the room. Scratching his head, he said, uncertainly,

"I can... Shapeshift?"

He morphed into a tiger, then a bear, a moose, and a rabbit before changing back to normal.

The Director looked thoughtful, probably wondering if he could use Frank on some kind of spy mission. I could see that Hazel had also noticed, and narrowed her eyes.

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