Lying, Lying and More Lying

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I was quite nervous. The others could definitely tell; diamonds kept popping out at my feet. I thought I had quite good control of it by now, but I guess I didn't. The only thing I could do was send them away quickly, and hope the Avengers didn't notice.

Now we had to lie even more than we already had, though technically we weren't lying before, just being vague.

I held on to Frank's hand tightly we walked back to the bench. The Avengers were a few more minutes, but they came over shortly.

Annabeth took a deep breath,

"Ok, you're right. We are mutants."

There was an instant clamour from the Avengers,

"Good ones? - "

"I knew it! - "

"What can you do? - "

"All of you? - "

"Does Xavier know about you? - "

I winced and decided to focus my attention on the only Avenger who hadn't said a word: Thor.

He just sat there with his arms folded and eyebrows slightly raised. I wondered what his deal was. Did he know what we were? Why wasn't he saying anything?

Finally the Avengers quietened down,

"What can you do?"

That came from Tony, who was leaning forward in his seat, looking as if he would be taking off sunglasses if he was wearing them.

Unfortunately, Leo had stolen them whilst pretending to be a bird, well he'd knocked them off and accidently broken them, not that he'd ever mention it to anyone. Even if he was narrating it to someone later, he would omit that part of the story,

"Yeah, what can you do?" asked Clint, glaring at us.

I had the feeling that, had we been friends, he would be a lot nicer,

"Um... I can control water - "


".- Pipes can control people, Leo controls fire - "


"Thank you Annabeth. Frank can shapeshift, Hazel controls precious metals and gemstones, and - "

"I'm smart."

Percy glared at Annabeth, who just examined her nails, looking smug,

"What about her?" Natasha questioned, inclining her head towards Calypso,

"Uhh... We're still figuring it out," I said randomly, thinking quickly.

Frank gave me a supportive look,

"Ok, what about the weapons earlier?" Tony remembered.

We each had a moment of barely concealed panic. We hadn't thought of this!

"We need them to fight the people following us," Calypso suggested, trying to keep in line with the story,

"There are people following you?" exclaimed Natasha, eyes darting around the room, as if expecting a hidden attacker to leap out of hiding.

I stifled a laugh at the thought of what would happen if Nico decided to just randomly pop out of the shadows as we were speaking,

"Not directly, more of a general following if you get my meaning," supplied Leo.

The Avengers nodded collectively, light dawning in their eyes,

"Ok, how did the Greek monsters come into this?" persisted Tony.

Percy Jackson meets The AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now