30. Protect Miyuki

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“And then he had Shikamaru and some random Shinobi just come in here and take all of Katsu’s stuff for some 'deciphering' mission two days ago. I swear, I haven’t been this harassed since the days I lived with my parents!” I explained before taking a huge chunk out of my chicken drumstick. “I’m worried about you both. Neither of you have been acting like your level-headed selves lately.” Kurenai said in concern as she held her tea cup on the table.

We were in Katsu’s apartment, having spent the day ice skating with her daughter. I was so mad at Kakashi, and so hurt by his accusations, that I retreated into my shell and became asocial up until now. Kurenai gently helped me come out of it. But a renewed fire of anger burnt in me as we sat over dinner and I ended up explaining myself while Mirai napped on Katsu’s couch. “Well, don’t be. It’s not your fault he’s a stubborn jerk who thinks he’s always right.” I mumbled out before finishing the chicken. Kurenai sweat-dropped, “And it’s not yours for being stubborn and secretive either?” I stopped chewing and took a hard swallow, “He didn’t deserve to know the truth.” I stated before drinking from my coffee cup. It was night time, but I felt for coffee.

Kurenai sighed into her hand, “Honestly, Miyuki. You two are the worst at saying how you’re really feeling.” I raised an eyebrow at her, “What do you mean? We used to talk all the time.”

She slowly shook her head with closed eyes, “Being able to say what’s on your mind and what you’re actually feeling are two very different things. I thought you’d see it too. Kakashi was obviously jealous and frustrated with your past relationship with Senichi.” She sadly explained. I nearly spat out my coffee, but I gulped it down and coughed out instead. “What makes you say that? He was obviously just taking out his Hokage frustrations on me. Senichi was just a topic he used to get on my nerves.” I frowned, anger rising at remembering it. She sighed again, “Tell me this. It’s not like you didn’t stop caring for Senichi. So, why did you dump him?” she asked. “Because… I could never love him the way he loves me?” I answered as more of a question.

“And why is that?”

I shrugged in puzzlement, “I don’t know. I just didn’t feel that level of attachment to him. He was so clingy, and I value my freedom. I need someone who understands that, and who can live his own life without needing to force himself into mine. Senichi was a smothering force I only tolerated due to my attraction towards him. I just want it to be easy flowing and natural. No rush.” I explained. “You mean like what you have with Kakashi?” I frowned, “Do we look like we’re easy flowing right now?” I rhetorically countered. “Well, no, but I mean before all this. He gave you space, and you two have a connection that expands over the years. It didn't waver in your time apart. It's not even wavering now. You feel something for him, Miyuki. Something special. Right now, you're just to angry to see it.” She explained in earnest.

I dropped my chin into my hand and gave her an unimpressed stare, “You really are a hopeless romantic.” I mumbled, glancing to the side. She giggled, “Another thing you have in common is your anti-romance policies and stubborn denial.” I groaned from my hand and she finished her tea before getting up. “I hope things work out between you two. Anyway, I better get this little one to her own room.” She said, glancing over at the couch. I smiled at Mirai’s peaceful state, “Thanks for today. I always feel better after talking to you.” She nodded, “Always here to help. Good night Miyuki. Sweet dreams.” I nodded and watched her pick up mumbling Mirai, “You too.” With that, they left, and I was alone again.

Shortly after cleaning the dishes and myself, I flopped onto bed, being extra careful not to wonder near my window. I didn’t want to give Kakashi the satisfaction of seeing me. Not that it mattered. Or did it? I rested in my cosy blankets with an arm over my forehead, staring up at the darkened ceiling. Then a more serious thought came to mind, ‘Maybe if I had just told him about Toneri’s warning… None of this would’ve happened.’ I sighed and turned on my side, clinging to the covers. I was getting chocked up, “Now everything hurts…” Just then, I heard three consecutive knocks on the door. I sniffled and wiped my teary eyes dry before lifting my head, “Kurenai?” I wondered. The knocks came again, and I grudgingly got out my bed, “I swear, Kakashi if that’s you…” I growled as I stomped towards the door. “Miyuki? Miyuki are you there?” I gasped, and hurriedly opened the door. It revealed the familiar voice’s figure in the process of knocking again.

“Katsu…” My eyes instantly teared up. He smiled and lowered his fisted-hand. “Katsu!” I cried, flinging myself into his surprised arms. “Oh, how I missed you!” I exclaimed, clinging to his waist. Tears of relief gathered in my closed eyes as I pressed into his woolly his chest.

We stood like that for a good minute before I felt his hand caress the back of my head, “There, there…” He soothed. I felt a sudden burning warmth near my leg and looked down to see a dark green light shining towards the floor from the palm of his low hung hand, “Don’t worry, Miyuki…” Katsu gently assured me. “Huh?” But before I could pull away from our hug, he raised his hand and pressed his orb into my stomach. It hit like a stabbing, iron ball. I gasped without making a sound. Tears flew freely from my widened eyes. It was all so sudden and suffocating. It felt so twisting and stabbing inside of me. He leaned closer to the side of my head and whispered, “It’ll all be over soon.”

My eyes shot wider in dread, “K-k-Katsu…” Suddenly I felt the orb pressing out my back, “Ah!” I curtly screamed from the pain of it leaving my body. My knees buckled, and my head fell onto his chest. He didn’t even bother to hold me up. “Katsu…” I trailed off, feeling so numb and drained. It must’ve been a Syphoning Orb, but that was forbidden to use back home. Only Paralysis Orbs were allowed. I felt myself disappearing, slipping off the side of his body, “W-w…Why?” I hit the metal passageway with a hard thud, unable to move, or feel anything. He stepped forward and stood over me. And that’s when I saw it. The black of his eyes were cold and condescending. This was not my brother. He smugly snarled, “You’ll be drowning in darkness soon enough.”

My eyes grew heavy and I began to feel sleepy. A single tear escaped me, landing like snow melting to the ground. And then… Nothing.


Today is the day I explain myself to Miyuki. But for some reason... She’s nowhere to be found. Kurenai told me she was in a better state after spending the day together yesterday. I was beginning to wonder if that was really the case. I’ve been looking for her all morning. I tried her apartment, the flower shop, the park, and even our favourite spot by the lake, but so far nothing. The next place to try was Naruto’s.

I knocked on the door and was greeted by Hinata. “Good morning, Kakashi-Sensei. Is this something about Naruto’s mission?” she asked in slight concern. I guess my own worries were showing. “Uhr, no. Naruto’s not back yet. I’m here looking for Miyuki. Have you seen her?” I asked, already accepting the possibility that she fled the Village because of me. “Yes. We spoke just a few moments ago. She was looking for Naruto.” I was taken aback, “Naruto? Why was she looking for Naruto?” I asked in confusion. Suddenly, she burst out in worry, “Kakashi-Sensei I’m worried I’ve done something terrible!” She exasperated. I put my hands on her shoulder, “Calm down, and tell me what happened. I’ll help fix it, I promise.” She gave a timid nod and began explaining, “She came by during breakfast, asking where Naruto was. She seemed strange. Like she was in a hurry. I told her Naruto was away on a mission and asked if I could help her somehow. She said she needed to bring Ryuu back from Mount Myboku as soon as possible.”

My eyes widened in surprise. “I told her that only Naruto would be able to go there. She seemed upset about something, so I tried to comfort her by saying that Naruto would come to her rescue just like he always does for the Village. And that he’d come back just in time to save the day like he always has if she needs it. That’s when I saw it…” She grew a grave expression. “Saw what?” I asked in seriousness. “An idea struck her, and a wide grin spread across her face. It was like staring at the slyness of an evil I couldn’t quite place.” I narrowed my eyes, “Orochimaru.” She gave a firm nod, “Yes. It reminded me of his wicked grin.” She replied. “Did she tell you where she was going? Or when she left?” Hinata nodded, “Yes. She left about 15 minutes ago, saying she just remembered needing to see you, Kakashi-Sensei.” I was surprised, “Me?” She nodded again. “Thank you. I’ll make this right, I promise.” I told her, before turning back and running towards the office.

‘I just hope I’m not too late.’ I thought, raising a hand sign to my chin before disappearing in a puff of smoke. I appeared in my office, and hurried to look out the window, “Come on… Come on… Please still be around here…” I cursed under my breath, ‘She must’ve left.’ I hurried to the door, only to get the surprise of my life. “Miyuki.” I realised as she stood with her back towards me. Her arms were folded, as if waiting for my arrival. She turned around to face me. The broad grin on her face freaked me out, “Hello, Kakashi…”

What happened next… Was all a blur.

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