4. Life in the Leaf

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The following morning, the three Haurutsuki’s were discharged from the hospital. Sai escorted them to where Kakashi arranged they should stay. “And this will be Miyuki’s apartment.” He said, opening the door and letting the three in. “My own apartment?” she questioned as she looked around. It was a good size for one or two people. “We’ve never lived in separate places before. Are me and Katsu staying some place far away from here?” Ryuu asked in concern. “Not at all. You’re both staying in the same apartment complex. In fact, you will be sharing the next apartment on this floor.” Sai told him with an odd smile. “Thank goodness. I don’t feel like walking over for breakfast.” Katsu said. “Wow! Isn’t Kakashi the best?” Ryuu suddenly grinned. “You mean Lord Kakashi.” Katsu corrected.

Miyuki walked further down the living room, “I just can’t believe he turned out to be so nice.” She said. “Oh? You knew a different Kakashi Hatake?” Sai inquired. Miyuki stopped at the window across the room, “Yeah. He was a total jerk.” She said, before opening the window and sticking her head out. “What on earth is she doing?” Sai asked as she looked out. Her brothers both face-palmed, “That’s Miyuki… The weird one.” Ryuu stated. “Look who’s talking!” Miyuki called out as she continued to lean out the window. The guys sweat-dropped, “I don't mind her weirdness like everyone else seems to.” Katsu shrugged. “I see. It reminds me of my dead brother.” Sai beamed. Ryuu and Katsu deadpanned, and Miyuki hopped back from the window with her hands on her hips, pouting. 

“It’s not the best view with that apartment building across the road blocking the way. I was hoping to sit and stare at the stars.” She explained.  “Oh. I like a good view as well for my paintings. There are really great spots on hills near the outer regions of the village. It’s not far passed the road ahead.” Sai smiled. 

“Really? That’s great! Thanks Sai.” Miyuki beamed. “Not at all. Lord Kakashi stays in the building you find in the way. He’s usually in his office if you happen to be looking for him though.” Sai said. “Really? The Hokage Building isn’t a mansion home like the Mizukage's?” Miyuki asked in disbelief. “Yes, it does. But he feels best to stick with what’s familiar. Speaking of which, feel free to ask around if you need help finding anything. You’ll find this is quite the friendly shinobi village.” Sai oddly smiled. “Thanks again, Sai.” Ryuu said, patting his back. “If that will be all, I’ll take my leave. Don’t lose your keys. And remember the fridges are stocked and monthly allowance is on the counter.” Sai explained, before bowing and heading out. “Tell Lord Kakashi we say thank you!” Ryuu called back, and with that, the door closed. With the coast clear, they were free to jump with joy, celebrating their new living space.

The three had an early lunch and were now crowding around the counter of Ryuu and Katsu’s apartment, where their monthly allowance all sat in sacks. “I say we start spending it.” Katsu said, grinning in an evil excitement. “I say we find the directions to Ichiraku’s.” Ryuu said, drooling with new hunger for ramen. “And I say we get ourselves some clothes. We’ve been wearing the same gear since we were trapped in the caves.” Miyuki reminded them. 

“Then we’re in agreement.” Ryuu said, not bothered by the others thoughts. “Let’s just split up and return here in three hours.” Katsu suggested. “Sounds good to me.” Ryuu shrugged. “Well… If you say so.” Miyuki said nervously, and with that, they were off.

Miyuki wondered the crowded streets nervously until she spotted a colourful flower shop. She was captivated and ran through the street to explore the wonders of the ‘Yamanaka Flower Shop.’ Meanwhile, Katsu wondered a less busy street, trying to find the market place. He came across someone sitting on a bench in a park, playing a game that sparked his interest. Katsu casually approached the stranger, “Good afternoon. Mind if I join your game of Piasho?” he asked after bowing. “Afternoon, uhr… Sure, why not?” the spikey-ponytailed shinobi shrugged. Ryuu was running. Asking everyone around him for help finding the ramen shop. He quickly found it and flapped open the curtain of Ichiraku’s, “Alright, I found it!” he said before excitedly taking a seat beside a younger, yellow haired man. “Wow, that looks great! Excuse me, sir. Sorry to interrupt your meal, but would you mind telling me the name of your dish?” Ryuu inquired. The man stopped scarfing down his noodles and looked up at Ryuu with a mouthful of ramen, “Sir? You mean me? Oh. Everyone calls me Naruto.” He said through his food. “Wow, it’s so great to meet you, Naruto! My name is Ryuu Haurutsuki. Sasuke’s told me all about how you saved the whole world!” Ryuu said excitedly. Naruto gulped down his bowl, “Sasuke, huh? Hey, you’ve got to try the super-size. It’s the best thing on the menu! Teuchi, get this man a bowl! I have a feeling I’m about to make a new friend.” Naruto grinned. “Coming right up!” Ryuu grinned at Naruto, and Naruto turned to grin back at him, and they both chuckled at each other’s grins. 

Back at Yamanaka Flower Shop, the shop clerk spotted the red hooded woman bending over, smelling the white flowers, “If you’re looking for fragrance, try the purple ones to your left.” The younger blonde said. Miyuki raised her head, removing her hood to look up at her, “Oh, no. I was just wondering if these are real Nigella Damascene. It’s native to the Hidden Mist Village and reminds me of my clan’s crest.” Miyuki explained. “Wow, you really know your flowers. Yes, they were imported as fresh flowers and grown in a damp area for cultivation just recently.” The clerk explained. 

Just then, an older, red-eyed woman and her little daughter came in, “Morning Ino.” The woman greeted. “Good morning Ino!” the little one excitedly added. “Good morning, Kurenai-Sensei. Hello Mirai.” “Oh, who’s your friend? A new customer?” Kurenai asked. Miyuki bowed politely, “Miyuki Haurutsuki. It’s nice to meet you.” She smiled, looking at Mirai. “So, you’re the one Sakura told me about. From the three shinobi who were frozen alive, right?” Ino asked. “Frozen alive?” Kurenai asked in bafflement. Miyuki put her hand on her arm and averted her gaze, “Uhr… Yeah, I didn’t think civilians would know about it.” She said in embarrassment. “Civilians? I’ll have you know, the only civilian in this shop is Mirai.” Ino pointed out. “Not true, Ino! I’m going to become a great ninja, just like my dad was!” Mirai retorted. Kurenai chuckled, “You hear that, Ino? She wants to become just like your Sensei.” Ino smiled in satisfaction. “Mommy… Why are the pretty lady’s clothes all dirty like that?” Mirai asked Kurenai curiously. Miyuki deadpanned at remembering, “Uhm, excuse me. I don’t mean to be rude, but as you can see, my attire hasn’t changed in over a decade, so I must be off to find a more appropriate wardrobe. Once again, it was nice meeting all three of you.” She bowed. 

When she raised her head to meet the jaw dropped women, she grew awkward and turned to head for the exit. “Wait, a decade!? You wait right there! My shift is almost over, and I know the best shopping spots in the Village. It is my responsibility as the most beautiful kunoichi in the Village to help a fellow kunoichi in need.” Miyuki sweat-dropped, unsure where this was going. “I want to help too!” Mirai declared. Kurenai sweat-dropped, “Maybe we can join them after we buy flowers for your father, alright sweetie?” she suggested. “Okay!” Mirai beamed. “What? No, I don’t want to cause any-” Ino waved her off, “No, it’s no trouble at all. Let’s go shopping!” Ino declared excitedly. “Well, if you say so… Thank you very much.” Miyuki smiled gratefully.

Later that evening, Miyuki burst through the door of Ryuu and Katsu’s apartment, “Sorry, I’m late!” she exclaimed. She looked tired, and had four shopping bags in her hands. Her two brothers sat with a raised eyebrow from the couch. “Whoa, what happened to you?” Ryuu asked in surprise. “I met a woman named Ino and Kurenai, who has a daughter named Mirai and Ino took me shopping, and then I met Hinata while grabbing a hood, and then Ino invited us both for tea and a makeover with Kurenai and Sakura. Oh, and I bought you both new clothes to blend in with world peace and then I-” Ryuu stopped her, “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down a bit.” He told her. “Breathe.” Katsu added. 

Miyuki exhaled a deep breath, “Sorry. Why don’t we catch up over dinner?” Miyuki suggested. “Cool. Especially since you and Katsu both seemed to make friends on your own for once.” Ryuu said teasingly. “We know how to make friends.” The two retorted in unison. Ryuu chuckled, “Haha. Indeed.” He smirked. 

Miyuki explained her sleek new fringe hairstyle, makeup and wardrobe change story first. She had made friends with the women she mentioned earlier from their tea party at Ino’s house. Ryuu told them all about how amazing spending the day with Naruto was, especially with them being so like-minded. He befriended the workers of the ramen shop, as well as Choji and Iruka, who both later appeared. Katsu explained how he kept coming to a tie with Shikamaru at Piasho, until Shikamaru gave up. After that, the two took a stroll to get to know each other, and he met Kiba, Akamaru and Shino. He enjoyed his conversation with Shino about communicating through chakra the most. While he found Akamaru a more pleasing dog than he did Kiba the supposed ‘future Hokage.’ All in all, it was a day full of adventure and fun with new people for the three Haurutsuki’s to meet. 

Although Miyuki and Katsu were drained, Ryuu was more pumped up than ever for their next adventure, unaware that it was only the beginning of their new lives in the Hidden Leaf.

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