"How'd things go? Were you able to track anything?"

Jace quickly filled in the details to Robert.

"The Circle has returned?" Robert asked. He didn't look nearly as shocked as Alec had expected.

"Yes. They have been taking out agents and..."

"...recruiting them to their side." Robert finished. "Were you able to find Jessica?"

Jace gave a slight shake of his head. "It was too late for her." He said, and looked away.

Robert frowned and looked at all of them. "Did you recognize any other agents?" He asked.

They all shook their heads or said no. "Well, I suppose there's nothing that can be done. Once the Circle has you under their influence..." Robert trailed off and sighed. "You all are dismissed."

Everyone slowly walked out of Robert's office. Alec walked to his room and laid on the bed. He picked up his phone to call Magnus and tell him the news. He would text him, but this was too important. Magnus answered the phone after a couple of rings.

"Hello?" he said.

"Hey," Alec said.

"How'd everything go?" Magnus asked.

"Well, you found out who was behind the missing agents."

"Really? Who?"

"The Circle." Alec said.

"The Circle?" Magnus said. He didn't seem that shocked either.

"You aren't surprised?"

"I always knew it was only a matter of time before the Circle resurfaced." Magnus explained. "Valentine is a master manipulator. He influenced many to join his side in the past. It won't be long before he's built up his agency once again."

"I know. That's why we have to stop him before it's too late."

"What of your friend? The one who's ring I tracked?" Magnus asked.

Alec went quiet.

"You don't have to talk about it." Magnus said. "...I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Thank you." Alec said. "I just wish I could've saved her, y'know?"

"You can't save everyone." Magnus said.

"I know, it's just, I was the head of that mission. I should've been more careful, I should've been paying more attention..."

"The past is the past. You can't change it. You can only learn from your mistakes and do better next time."

Alec sighed. "You always know what to say."

"It's one of my many talents." Magnus said.

"Oh really? And what are your other talents?" Alec asked.

"Maybe I'll show you some of them the next time you come over."

"I could come over now. I'm not doing anything."

"I'd like that." Magnus said.

"Alright, I'll see you soon," Alec said.


"Bye." Alec hung up the phone and got up off the bed. He left his room and walked to Magnus' apartment, and thought about what Izzy had said earlier. He did like Magnus, didn't he? Should he tell him?

Before he knew it, he was in front of Magnus' apartment. He knocked on the door, and waited for Magnus to say come in before opening the door.

The lights were off, and Magnus had a blanket over him and had the TV paused on The Greatest Showman. He grinned at Alec and patted the seat beside him. Alec sat down and Magnus played the movie. The rest of it was very good. He really liked the ending, he was glad everything worked out in the end. Although, he thought the best part of it all was watching Magnus scream-sing the last song. Alec even joined him towards the end.

As the ending credits played, Magnus looked to Alec and smiled. "Did you like it?"

"Yes, it was good. I think watching you enjoy it was my favorite part."

"That was my favorite part, too. We must have similar tastes." Magnus said.

Alec smiled. "Magnus, I have to tell you something..."

"What is it?" Magnus asked.

"Uhm...I...I really like...hanging out with you." Alec said, not meeting Magnus' eyes.

"I like you too, Alexander."

Alec looked up at Magnus. The look in his eyes told him he was being sincere. He smiled at Magnus.

"Y'know you already told me you liked me," Magnus said.

"When?" Alec asked, looking shocked.

"At the party last night. You were pretty drunk," Magnus said with a laugh.

Leave it to Drunk Alec to mess shit up for Sober Alec.

"There's also something else you did last night...well, almost did, anyway." Magnus said.

"What's that?" Alec said.

Magnus doesn't say anything, he only gave Alec a smirk before leaning in. Alec met him halfway and brushed his lips against Magnus'.

He had never kissed anyone before, and it felt...right. He deepened the kiss and Magnus put a hand on Alec's cheek. The world around him, and all his problems seemed to disappear, and it was just him and Magnus. Alec didn't know how long they stayed like this, but when Magnus broke away from the kiss and began to softly stroke his cheek, Alec knew it wasn't long enough.

Magnus put his hand down and curled up against Alec. He browsed through Netflix until he found another movie. He put it on and they stayed like that, not talking, just enjoying each other's company. 

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