" Vladimir ! Please calm down,Alaric have a seat" The Former queen  Spoke.

"As you know Son ,You are soon to be king ,You have to have a mate Beforehand  you become king. So you will have to find her sooner and if you don't you will be banished from the kingdom and Alaric will take the throne away from you. " His father said it clearly. he hated how he called him Son he was disgusted with his own doings and he hoped Alaric would help him and his mate.

"Yes father" that's all he said before Excusing himself to rest in his room

"Dracula son ,Your new personal maid has been appointed and you will get to see her tomorrow morning ." And  with that said by his mother, he could see his father gripping his mother's wrist forcefully, Queen lenora was hesitant he could feel his father saying something her, The bastard blocked all the vampires senses from hearing ... He was physically, Emotionally abusing his Mother and he couldn't do anything about that because he was a coward.. Yes he was afraid of his father he indeed was, he did not respect him but he was frightened by his father's Stone cold heart that he inherited and the brutally killings he committed in innocent people... But he couldn't be soft hearted in this matter because he would be slaughtered himself...

"What are you thinking about dear?" His Mother asked and he just shook his head, he could see his mother losing hope. His father was a greedy, cheating bastard... He was a ladies man just like he was... He was afraid that he was starting to become his father.

"Lenora! Do not test me... Come here" king Vladimir shouted.. While he was heading towards the door.

Then suddenly Dracula remembered an incident that happened 70 years ago... This incident has always frightened him... He failed his mother that day and he is still failing her even from now on.


Little Dracula was under the table were his mother had hids him if His father was highly intoxicated, his father would beat his mother into a pulp and therefore leave her in a pool of blood that was  the scene he saw last time.... When his father entered THE palace the maids ran and hid into the corridors.. And Mother came down...

"Vladimir! Are you okay" Queen lenora asked. She was a beautiful woman inside and out.. She didn't deserve to be treated this way.

"Get the hell out of my sight Lenora and never, I repeat never say my  name in your disgusting, smelly mouth. You pathetic piece of shit." king Vladimir voice boomed into the palace.. He had a deep voice that was full of authority..

"I Apologise Your Majesty!" She said obediently she did not want to be in his bad books today. Meanwhile their son was under the table where his Mother had left him.. So that he can be easily protected. With him not knowing where their son was was a really Good thing because Qeen lenora was afraid that he would harm their son.. He was not in his right senses Ofcause.

"what were you doing with William.. I saw you with him holding hands, Are you sleeping with that Man?" Vladimir asked he was Beyond angry

"he just wanted me to speak to you.. He wants truce from the warewolf and Vampire kingdom" Lenora said she started shaking

"Are you a king? You are nothing to me.. Nothing, You are just a baby machine who has to bare me children who will continue the legacy nothing more and I curse the day the moon goddess decided to gift me with a Whore of a mate who is an  ugly and inconsiderate bitch."With that he started to slap her  and he burned her with a cigarette  in her  face, he punched her several times and kicked her, He broke a glass vase and Cut her stomach with it... Blood was rushing out of her, He unbuckled his pants and beat her with his belt.. And removed her underwear and Raped her yes it was rape because she screamed No but  she could not stop him and he did not stop also... He felt as if it was the right thing to do...then she became unconscious after the beatings, he then left her to die alone and Little Dracula came out of the table and cried for help...Then his mother was rushed into hospital and she had lost the baby...his mother had went into depression and she became suicidal and attempted to commit suicide seven times. But now she was a little bit better... Then Dracula came out of his flashback.

(End of flashback.)

"Are you okay brother?" akeldama asked her brother worriedly...

"I am okay Akeldama!" Dracula said in his usual cold tone.. I have to go.


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