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Suho enters an old building, looking at his guards who are wearing black. He, himself is also wearing black. Chorong, who's wearing a simple white tee with short skirt tails Suho from the back. She's actually clueless where are they right now.

How can she not be clueless? Right after she gained her consciousness, Suho drives them here. She really got no idea what is this place. And.. this place got this eerie aura that she hates. Even Suho looks scary now.

Suho- Got her?
Mr Ji- Yes, sir

Suho looks at Chorong, asking her to wait with the bodyguards. Chorong shakes her head, feeling scared. She doesn't want to be alone. She wants to be with Suho. Suho gives up and let Chorong follows him. They enter a room and sees 2 guys with a woman sitting on the chair, hands tied to the back. Chorong frowns. Mrs Ha?!

Chorong- Suho..
Suho- I told you I know about it
Mrs Ha- M.. Mr Kim..
Suho- Shut up. You have no right to speak your mind here

Suho eyes Mrs Ha angrily. He looks back at Chorong, worried. He knows she's scared, but it's not like he's going to kill that old woman. He just want to listen to her explanation and discover who the mastermind is. Suho looks back at Mrs Ha.

Suho- Explain
Mrs Ha- Mr Kim, please.. please don't do this..
Suho- After what you've done behind me?! To Chorong?!
Mrs Ha- I.. I have my own reason..
Suho- Really? Who pay you to give all those threats? Tell me now!
Mrs Ha- I.. I don't know.. I never meet him.. we only talk through phone.. please forgive me, Mr Kim..
Suho- You dared do harm to my fiance and you're begging for apology? How pathetic can you go? Do you think it's easy to forgive you after all the chaos?!
Mrs Ha- I'm sorry, Mr Kim. Please spare me, my son needs money for his treatment. Please, Mr Kim..
Suho- Stop lying! You have no child! Do you think you can fool me for money?! Go to hell with your apology!
Chorong- Suho!

Chorong tries to stop Suho from slapping Mrs Ha. She knows how rude he can be when something is not good to him. He even shouted to his parents, an outsider like Mrs Ha wouldn't be a problem for him. After all, he's the master now. Suho gives Chorong a signal to stay back.

Chorong- Mrs Ha..
Mrs Ha- Ms Park.. please.. please spare me, I need money for all the debts, please..
Chorong- I.. I can do nothing. I have no right, Mrs Ha
Mrs Ha- But, you're the mistress! You should save one of your workers!
Suho- Don't you dare talk to her like that!
Chorong- I'm sorry, Mrs Ha. I'm not a mistress yet
Suho- Take her out and make sure she doesn't appear in front of my eyes again

Suho orders the guys. Mrs Ha struggles to free herself from the men's grips. She's crying as she's being dragged out from the old building. Suho and Chorong hop back into Suho's GLA SUV Mercedes Benz, Suho drives back to their mansion. He turns to look at Chorong who is silent the whole time. He caresses her cheeks.

Suho- Hey, are you okay?
Chorong- I.. I never know if my expectation is true
Suho- I know it since the day you came to the house. She's been acting suspicious since then
Chorong- Really? I'm scared.. what if.. there's another threat coming?
Suho- Don't worry, you have me, baby

Suho smiles and kisses Chorong's forehead. They walk into the mansion and leave to their own rooms. After changing to her nightgown and doing her night facial routine, Chorong lies down on the bed. She tries to sleep, but the view of what happened just now keep disturbing her. Chorong hears the door creaks. She smiles as she see Suho.

Suho- You're not asleep yet, angel?
Chorong- I can't sleep, can you sleep with me?
Suho- Well, that's my intention

Suho joins Chorong on the bed, he rests his back on the headboard. Chorong smiles as Suho pull her into his embrace. Chorong snuggles closer to his body, smelling his cologne. Suho smiles as he look at Chorong. They remain silent while cuddling each other. Chorong rests her head on Suho's chest.

Chorong- I'm still worried
Suho- About what, angel?
Chorong- What if someone else threaten us with another threat? What if the threat become scarier like dead bird or chicken or..
Suho- Hey, hey. Don't say something like that, princess. You're safe now, the culprit can't do anything. I will hunt him or her down and throw her into the jail
Chorong- Don't
Suho- What? Why?
Chorong- Just let that person be free. He or she must have their own reason for doing these to me. I don't want to fuck someone's life
Suho- When will you ever learn how to fix your language? You're going to be someone's Mrs soon
Chorong- Tch, you know me so well. Those are adjectives

They both laugh. Suho knows how much Chorong loves to use curse words as adjectives in her daily sentence. They remain silent and stare into each other's eyes, longing for each other. Suho's eyes fall on Chorong's kissable lips as if asking her permission for a kiss. Chorong nods and decrease their distance.

Suho smiles before leaning down for a kiss. He kisses her passionately, snaking his arms around her ant waist, nibbling her lower lip. Chorong moans at Suho's tongue movement, letting him in. Suho smirks as he pull Chorong closer. He knows she's enjoying it.

Suho- Want more?
Chorong- Hmm

Suho pushes Chorong lying down on the bed, still kissing her. He strips off the nightgown she's wearing and strips off his clothes too. The night went by with their sweet love making.

to be continued

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