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Suho- What?
Changsub- Did you just fucking slap her?
Suho- Yes, I did. What's with that?
H/C- You told us you love her!

Suho rolls his eyes in annoyance and glances at Chorong's direction. Irene and Solar are comforting her from crying. To be real, he doesn't even know why he did that. Maybe because for her unexpected presence here. Maybe because she's forcing him to give her an explanation. Or.. ah, it's because she called him with his real name.

Changsub- What the fuck, bro? You ruined everything
Hoya- Just because she call you with that name? Stupid
Suho- Fine, I'm in fault here. Blame me. You know I'm not ready to see her and both of you don't even bother to tell me that she'll be present!
Hoya- She's our friend!
Changsub- Of course she'll come!

Suho leans back, trying to hold his anger. What a scene! He gulps down the wine. Changsub takes his glass away, causing to raise his hand. Hoya and Changsub eye him angrily.

Changsub- What? You want to punch me? Go on
Suho- You..
Hoya- Suho, we don't want to take Chorong's side but all of these are obviously your fault
Suho- Yes, blame me. Go on. Back her up. She approached me first and she literally call me Junmyeon!
Changsub- You're being immatured!
Hoya- Guys, don't start here
Changsub- You're really an asshole


A punch flies to Changsub's face, causing him to fall on the ground. Everyone in the hall look at them. Hoya quickly hold Suho before he could start another scene. Hoya pushes Suho sitting on the chair back. Irene and Solar walk to them while dragging Chorong in the back.

Irene- What a nice scene, Suho
Suho- You know nothing
Solar- Go to hell with your ego! You don't just slap your ex, but you even punch your friend at a freaking engagement party! What the fuck is wrong with you, idiot?!
Suho- Didn't Chorong tell you what actually happened?

Irene and Solar frown. They look at Chorong who is still crying behind them. Suho smirks. See? They will attack him without knowing the actual story.

Chorong- I..
Suho- You don't even tell them, right? Park Chorong, look at me
Chorong- I.. I approached him first

Irene and Solar looks at Chorong in shock. She quickly hide herself behind the girls. Suho gets on his feet, trying to walk away. But Irene is quick enough to stop him from leaving.

Irene- Where's your apology?
Suho- What for?
Solar- For slapping your ex
Hoya- For punching your own friend
Irene- For ruining our party
Suho- Tch, it's not fully my fault
Solar- Can't you put down your ego for a while? Chorong is right, you're nothing but an asshole

Suho raises his hand, warning Solar. Hoya quickly pushes Suho away from hurting his fiance. Suho holds his anger, eyeing Solar angrily. He looks at Chorong.

Suho- Chorong, let's talk
Chorong- I don't want to talk to you
Suho- But you seem so determined to talk to me just now
Chorong- I don't talk to an asshole
Suho- If I know this would happen, I would just fuck you that day
Irene- Watch your mouth, Suho!

Irene raises her voice, her patience is reaching her limit. This guy is really nothing but an asshole. Ruining another party because of his ego. Suho tries to hold Chorong's hand but Hoya and Changsub block him.

Suho- What are you guys doing?
Changsub- Sorry to say, Suho. But we can't take your side
Hoya- Stop being an asshole
Suho- You know nothing
Irene- Drop your ego, Suho. No one is going to take your side so apologize
Solar- Get off if you still want to protect your stupid ego and selfishness

Chorong steps to the front, looking at Suho sharply.

Chorong- I don't need your stupid apology after what you've done
Suho- Then, what do you want? Money? Penthouse? Mansion?
Chorong- I just want you to treat your future girlfriend properly. Not treating her like how you did to me. Not treating her with your sweet words while behind her, you're being such an asshole. Don't dream of being Kim Suho if you're still the immatured and weak Kim Junmyeon
Suho- You..
Chorong- This is my goodbye for you

Chorong pecks Suho's lips softly before walking away. Suho seems startle as he feel her lips against his. Suho looks at Chorong as she walk out from the hall. She looks at Changsub and Hoya, they're giving him a look like go get her. Suho runs out from the crowd, searching for Chorong.

He runs out from the hall and spots Chorong running away. He fasten his movement and tries to catch up with Chorong. He realizes that she's running into an alley. He walks and hides behind the wall. He sees Chorong falling to her knees, crying.

Chorong- What have I done in my past life that I deserve this? Why is it so hard for us to be happy again?

Suho listens to Chorong crying and confessing all her pain. He grips on the wall, feeling guilty. Chorong is right, he's nothing but an asshole. He is a scaredy cat, he is just the weak Kim Junmyeon. Suho sighs. He let his ego win again. He looks down.

Suho- You're so stupid, Kim Junmyeon

Suho hears Chorong crying louder. He thinks of the promised he made back then in university. He won't let anyone hurt her, won't let her cry, won't let her feel the pain, but now? He's the reason she's crying. And, he feels like he is betraying her love for him. He quickly hides as Chorong gets up and walks away from the alley. He hears something.

Chorong- If only you put down your ego and give me more effort. Or not. Maybe I should just proceed on getting married with Minhyuk

W.. what?!

to be continued

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