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3 months has passed quickly and Suho is already replacing his dad as the new CEO. Recently, he heard the news of Chorong replacing her father's place. Suho sighs, why would he think about Chorong now? They haven't talk for 3 months. No date, no calls, no texts, no nights together, no talk. Nothing, their relationship is getting drier day by day, waiting for the official break up announcement.

Suho leans his back on the chair. He can't stop thinking about her since the day he saw the news. It looks like they're both facing the same problems. Do your responsibility as heir and heiress, replace your fathers, and break up. He knows this will happen someday. Suho looks up as he hear a soft knock.

Suho- Come in

The door opens and reveals Yoona, his assistant. Suho smiles coldly before looking at his computer. Yoona bows to the CEO.

Suho- Is there any appointments for today, Yoona?
Yoona- You have no appointments but after lunch, you have meeting with the investors for the hotel project in Gwangju
Suho- Is there anything else?
Yoona- No, sir. I'll go now

Yoona bows to Suho before leaving the office. Suho sighs, meeting with the investors. Which means Chorong will also be there. Yes, she also invested in this project. Suho throws the file away, feeling stress. Great, now he needs to face the girl he has been avoiding for 3 months.

Well, yeah. He avoids her. It won't happen if she doesn't start first by telling him to stay away from her. They still meet for projects meetings. But, they act as if they're just colleague and not lovers. He avoids her, she avoids him. Fair treatment, right? Suho looks to the photo frame of him and Chorong.

Suho- Why did all of this happen to us, love?


Park Cooperation,

Chorong taps her fingers on the table while biting her lips. Shit! Meeting Suho again? And the worst part is she needs to go to his company. Ugh! She needs to avoid him! Do everything for her parents. Ugh!

Relax, Chorong. This is a meeting between the investors which means she's not the only one who needs to face Suho. There will be investors from another big companies too. She sighs, looking out blankly. She walks to the window, looking down to the busy road of Seoul.

Out of sudden, the memories of her and Suho hit her mind. The memories of them going out together after school with their friends. Going to the theme park and play dangerous rides, scream at the top of their lungs. Her dates with Suho, days and nights that they spent in his penthouse. Cuddling, teasing, talking, watching movies, eating foods that she cooked for breakfast, lunch and dinner, sleeping together and laughing with each other. Not to mention, sometimes Suho suffers because of her powerful smacks and punches. She'll kick him sometimes.

Chorong turns to her back as she hear a soft knock. She asks the person to come in. Her assistant, Jinyoung bows to her. Chorong flashes a soft smile, looking at the guy.

Chorong- What's it, Jinyoung?
Jinyoung- We need to go to Kim Holdings now

Chorong sighs and wears her coat before following Jinyoung's lead. He drives the car to the big company. Jinyoung parks the car and they head to the floor where the meeting will be held. Chorong realizes that Suho is looking at her, which makes her feel uncomfortable.

After all the investors arrive, the meeting begins. For the whole time in the meeting room, Chorong feels uncomfortable. Jinyoung keeps on asking wether she's okay or not, he even got a blanket for her to protect her legs. Chorong just reply that the temperature in the room is a bit chilly.

Or..is it just her? The others doesn't seem like they're bother with the temperature. Well, the real reason is actually because of Suho who is sitting right in front of her. She's one of the top investors and it's already tradition for the top investors to sit next to or in front of the CEO.

Suho keeps on looking at Chorong that Yoona needs to call her for more than 3 times. Shit. He really doesn't know how to hide. At last, the meeting comes to an end. Chorong asks Jinyoung to wait at the car park. She picks up her file, tidying the papers.

Suho stands up and asks Yoona to leave. Yoona feels weird at first, but she just obey realizing that it's an order from her boss. Suho looks around as he walk to Chorong, making sure the door is closed and no one is there except for them.

Suho's finger traces Chorong's face, a smile appears on his face. Chorong, who is shock, quickly slaps his hand away. She looks away. He decrease their distance and kisses Chorong's neck.

Chorong- Suho, what are you doing?!
Suho- I thought you were cold. I'm giving you heat here

His hands go to her waist, lifting her up on the table. At this point, Chorong feels so scared and angry. His hands caresses her thighs. Chorong feels uncomfortable.

Chorong- What are doing, Suho?
Suho- Don't you miss me? Why are you avoiding me for 3 fucking months?
Chorong- Suho, stop this. We're in a meeting room. Suho, stop please
Suho- How can I stop? I miss you so much

Chorong pushes Suho hard from kissing her, she stands on her feet. Suho smirks, looking at her angrily. When he's about to open his mouth, Chorong stops him.

Chorong- You used to be the one who warmed me in the chilly winter, but now? Why are you being the cold winter?

Chorong smirks and kisses his cheek before going out. Suho hits the table, feeling angry. Shit, this is not the end!

to be continued

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