say yes

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Suho- Don't turn yet
Chorong- Oh my God

Chorong covers her mouth with her hands, feeling touched. Her tears fall, feeling touched with the surprise. Their Polaroids are hanged up on the bouquets of roses. The roses, the decoration, the beautiful lightings and of course, the beautiful sentence written on the green wall overwhelms her with happiness. Chorong wipes her own tears, can't control her feelings.

 Chorong wipes her own tears, can't control her feelings

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Chorong turns to her back and finds Suho on his knees. Her tears fall harder, overwhelmed with happiness and surprised feelings. Suho looks at Chorong in her eyes, he feels like standing up to wipe her tears. But he knows he will destroy the mood if he wipe away the tears. He smiles at her. This is it, you can do this, Kim Junmyeon.

Suho- Miss Park Chorong, from the first time I saw you, I feel like protecting you. You looked so fragile, your smile, your tears even your figure is so fragile to me. I feel like I want to protect you from this cruel world. I've been madly in love with you since the first time I saw you. It's funny because I fell for someone that I don't even know the name yet. I was lucky that we became friends that time. At first, I didn't realize it was love because we were just 13, I thought it was just an attraction. But, days passed, years passed, when we were celebrating your 17th birthday, I realized I already fell in love with you. I don't know why or how, it just happened. It's my first time falling in love so it was new. But, I was scared to tell you because we were friends. And you were so famous around boys in school. More of it, I felt like you were treating me the same just like how you treat Changsub and Hoya. I've been crushing on you for so long. I've waited for 7 years to tell you what I feel. I never expect that you would accept me. I never know you also had feelings for me too.

Suho stops for a while and looks at Chorong. She's crying her heart out while nodding, asking him to continue.

Suho- I still remember the promises I made for you back then. But then, something broke us apart. That time, both of us were drowning in sadness and disappointments. I know, I was selfish. I never listen to you when you said you don't want anything with me again. I know you were scared, but I let my ego win and turned you into a mess. I regretted everything, I felt useless. I was living with guilt, but I was too afraid to apologise. I felt like I would repeat the same mistake all over again. It took me a while to remember all of our promises. I promised to make you be the one. I promised I would like to see you wearing the white dress. I promised I would like to see you walking down the aisle. I promised you we'll exchange rings and vows together. I promised you we'll be spending the rest of our life together. And, here we are, begin again. I've waited for this but I was weak, I don't know if I can make you the happiest woman or not. But now, I think I'm ready. I'm ready to make you be the one. So..

Suho's left hand reaches into his pocket and he extends it in front of Chorong, revealing a shining white gold twisted vine diamond ring. He looks at Chorong with hope.

 He looks at Chorong with hope

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Suho- .. Park Chorong, will you marry me and spend the rest of your life with me?
Chorong- Oh my God.. Suho..

More tears stream down to Chorong's cheeks, she feels so happy with this proposal. She nods her head, she doesn't know what to say now. Suho looks at Chorong with hope, he wants to hear her saying yes. He holds the ring carefully.

Suho- Will you marry me? Please say yes..
Chorong- Yes! Yes, I'll marry you! I'll marry you, Kim Junmyeon!

Chorong extends her hand, asking Suho to put the ring on her finger. Suho smiles and puts on the ring on Chorong's sweet ring finger. He kisses the ring. He looks at Chorong and they kiss each other passionately. They pull out, breathing heavily. Chorong looks at Suho, tears are still streaming down. Suho chuckles and wipes the tears. Without he realize, his tears are also falling. Chorong laughs and wipes his tears. They look at each other, smiling.

Chorong- Oh my God, I wasn't expecting for this!
Suho- You like it?
Chorong- What? Suho, I love this! I really love this! I love you so much, sweetie
Suho- I love you too, princess. I have another surprise for you
Chorong- Again? You're so full of surprises, hun
Suho- Close your eyes

Chorong does as Suho told her. Suho smiles and takes the small box on the table. He asks Chorong to open her eyes. A necklace appears from Suho's grip.

 A necklace appears from Suho's grip

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Chorong- It's.. beautiful
Suho- And a beautiful woman will wear it. Mind me?
Chorong- Sure

Suho walks around Chorong and stops behind her. He places her hair on her shoulder and locks the necklace around her neck. He fixes her hair and turns her facing him. Chorong touches the blue pendant and smiles. Suho smiles and kisses her forehead lovingly.

Chorong- You prepared all of this for me?
Suho- More like I'm asking my men to help. But yeah, I did deal with the designers to design this event beautifully
Chorong- Thank you so much. I won't forget this
Suho- I love you and that's all I really know
Chorong- That's a lyric!

She hits Suho's chest. Suho laughs out loud before kissing Chorong's lips. They pull away after few minutes, looking at each other.

Suho- I love you, Park Chorong
Chorong- I love you too, Kim Junmyeon

to be continued

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