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It's been 2 weeks since Chorong starts staying with Suho and so far she only avoids him except when she wants to ask for something. She wears her black sleeveless tee and short skirt before walking downstairs. She walks into the kitchen.

Chorong- Hi, auntie!
Mrs Ha- Omo! Ms Park, what are you doing here?
Chorong- Aish, auntie. How many times have I told you to call me Chorong?
Mrs Ha- I can't do that. You're Junmyeon's girlfriend

Chorong pouts. That's unacceptable. Mrs Ha chuckles looking at Chorong's reaction. She continues stirring the mixing. Chorong looks at Mrs Ha.

Chorong- I'm not his girlfriend
Mrs Ha- But he likes you, you like him too
Chorong- You call Suho Junmyeon, why can't you call me by my name too? It's unfair
Mrs Ha- Aigoo, you're so cute. How I wished I have a daughter like you. You want me to call you Chorong? Okay then

Chorong smiles in victory as Mrs Ha give up. She looks at the mixing in the bowl. She looks at granite counter. Eggs, flour, mixer, vanilla extract, cocoa powder, water, sugar and some Oreo cookies. She looks at Mrs Ha again, frowning.

Chorong- What are you going to cook?
Mrs Ha- I'mma bake cookies
Chorong- Why? Is there anything important? Today's not Suho's birthday
Mrs Ha- I bake for fun
Chorong- Wow, can I help you?
Mrs Ha- You want to help me?
Chorong- Yes. Even though I'm from a rich family, that doesn't mean I don't know how to do woman things
Mrs Ha- I don't say anything

Chorong and Mrs Ha laugh at their words. Chorong begins making new mixing as she suggest a baking battle. It's good that the kitchen is big enough for them to have a damn battle. While they're battling, Chorong's phone rings. She takes it out and sees her mom's number on screen. She ignores it and turns off her phone. Mrs Ha looks at her.

Mrs Ha- Why aren't you picking up?
Chorong- Wrong number hehe
Mrs Ha- Haih kids these days
Chorong- We have to focus on our battle, auntie!

Chorong nags at Mrs Ha as both of them lose focus with their mixing. As they're battling to bake the best Oreo chocolate cookies, laughter filled their kitchen. Chorong feels happy to spend her time with Mrs Ha in the kitchen. It feels like spending a good time with your mom when the truth is she never make good memories with her mother.

Chorong finishes baking her cookies first. She puts on the gloves and takes out the hot tray from the microwave oven. Mrs Ha smiles as she look at the exhilarating Chorong. She looks so happy with her cookies. Chorong bites one cookie to taste it. Her eyes widen in shock.

Chorong- Wow
Mrs Ha- Why? Can I taste?
Chorong- You should try, auntie

Mrs Ha takes a bite from the cookie made by Chorong. Her eyes widen in shock. She raises both of her thumbs, telling how good Chorong's cookies are. Chorong smiles shyly. Few minutes later, Mrs Ha cookies are ready. They both taste it together. They smile,  feeling satisfied. They transfer the cookies into other containers, putting it on the table. They put their names on it.

Chorong- Suho loves cookies so much
Mrs Ha- I know, Junmyeon loves my cookies. He said his mother never cook for him. I pity that boy, that's why I treat him like my own son
Chorong- Urm, auntie. Can I ask you a question?
Mrs Ha- Go on

Chorong sighs, hesitating. This question has been playing in her head for almost 2 weeks. She looks at Mrs Ha.

Chorong- Why did you call Suho, Junmyeon?
Mrs Ha- Uh? Well, it's his name right? He even told me to call him that
Chorong- Oh, really?
Mrs Ha- Yes, why did you ask such question?

Chorong smiles.

Chorong- Nothing. It's actually weird because that the Junmyeon name is like a nightmare to him
Mrs Ha- Really? Why? Is that the reason why you and his friends call him Suho?
Chorong- Yes. It's because he used to be bullied in middle school, after that he changed and he became sensitive and even demand us all to call him Suho. The name Junmyeon is really sensitive in his ears
Mrs Ha- Really? You look cautious while saying his name
Chorong- I got slap when I called him by that name
Mrs Ha- That's scary
Chorong- It's okay. If it was other people, he might already kill them with his bare hands


Suho- Having fun talking about me?

Chorong widens her eyes and turns to her back. She sees Suho leaning on the kitchen wall wearing his expensive office attire. Mrs Ha laughs looking at the flabbergasted Chorong. She leaves both Suho and Chorong in the kitchen. Chorong looks down, feeling scared.

Suho sits on the stool next to Chorong, smiling. She's still so cute whenever she's panic. He pulls her into his arms. Chorong feels shock with his sudden movement. Shit! What if Mrs Ha sees them? Chorong glares at Suho.

Chorong- Let me go
Suho- After hearing what you've said about me? Hell no
Chorong- Are you threatening me?
Suho- Why? Are you scared?
Chorong- Me? Hell no. Now, let me go
Suho- You don't know what I'm capable of
Chorong- Oh yeah? Show me what you can do
Suho- I'll kiss you

Suho pushes Chorong slowly to the nearest wall and pins her. Chorong looks shock with his sudden movement. Suho leans closer and places his forehead against Chorong. What the hell?

Chorong- S.. stop!
Suho- You're afraid now?
Chorong- No! But you win! Now let me go!
Suho- But I want to kiss you for real now

And this time, Chorong doesn't push Suho. She can't deny that she actually miss his lips against hers. Suho leans closer and kisses Chorong's soft lips passionately. She replies.

to be continued

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