break up

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Chorong leans on her headboard. The moment Suho tried to threaten her the other day keeps on playing in her mind. She still remember her words that day. Maybe her parents are right for all this time, they should break up.

Chorong sighs, thinking of the old memories. Maybe she shouldn't be with Suho at all in the first place. Chorong bites her lips and takes her phone. She slides into message and types on the keyboard.

<Let's meet up>

She sends the text to Suho. Her phone beeps, telling there's a new notification. A message from him. Chorong clicks on it.

<Good. I want to tell you something>

And that's it. Chorong scrolls up and realizes that they haven't text for 3 months. She sighs before changing into a white turtleneck shirt and blue jeans. She wears her coat opens the door silently. She's not going to die just because she sneaks out at night. Chorong wears her mask and cap before walking out from the mansion using the back gate.

She drives her car to the park she usually go with Suho. She parks her car and walks freely. No one is here, but it's still dangerous. She sits on the bench and smiles calmly as the cold breeze hits her face gently. This is the park where she went with Suho for their first date. She feels sad, but there's no turning back.

Chorong hears light footsteps coming near. She looks up and sees Suho in his black turtleneck and black pants. His expensive coat looks good on him. How can he still look so hot even with black hugging his slim body? Chorong stands up, avoiding him.

Suho- What do you want to say?
Chorong- Suho, I..
Suho- You changed in 3 months. So fast. From sweetie, to Suho. After this, Kim Suho. And in the end, Kim Junmyeon ssi?

Suho laughs sarcastically at his words. Chorong feels a great pang inside her heart. It hurts her, but this is the best. For her future, for Suho's future, for their better future. She looks up, daring herself to meet Suho in his deep brown eyes.

Chorong- You changed too. Why? Because you're a CEO now? You don't need me anymore?
Suho- Maybe that's one of the reasons. You're the one who can't live without me
Chorong- What have I done, Suho? Why are you saying these?
Suho- Why do you bother to know? You avoid me for 3 months right?
Chorong- You're the same! And I have my own reason for doing that!
Suho- What?! What are your reasons?!

Suho raises his voice, feeling angry. He knows the girl wants to ask for a break up, but it's just so hard for her to slip it out from her tongue. She can say the word boring slips out unintentionally, but not the word break up.

The atmosphere is intense. Chorong grits her teeth, trying the hardest to hold her tears. Suho's eyes are also teary, but he knows break up is the best way. And he's going to make Chorong say it. He got a point to fight her words back. A tear escapes Chorong's eyes but no one bothers to wipe it away.

Chorong- Let's break up
Suho- What? Just like this?
Chorong- What's the use? We can't continue this. We can't fight our parents
Suho- So, you're telling me now you're going to obey your dictating parents?
Chorong- You have no right to call my parents like that

Chorong slaps Suho's cheeks. The guy looks down and smirks. Can't fight their parents? What was he doing for 3 years? Can't she see his efforts?

Suho- How many years has it been?
Chorong- 3 years
Suho- And you tell me we can't fight our parents? What was I doing before this? What were we doing before this?
Chorong- Suho, I..
Suho- I tried my best to fight for you, for us!

Chorong flinches at Suho's words. He shouts just like that, what if someone saw them? Chorong can't help but to let her tears fall. You can do this, Chorong. This is the best.

Chorong- It's just.. I'm no good for you, Suho
Suho- You dare to say that after everything we've done. Dates, sex. You still have the audacity to say that
Chorong- Just let me go! Is it really hard for you?!
Suho- Maybe you don't realize, but let me say this. I'm the one who's no good for you. I'm no good for you, Chorong. Let's end this
Chorong- Suho, I..
Suho- Stop, you're right. Let's break up

Three words, eleven letters, their relationship ends just like that. Suho turns away and without hesitation, he walks away from Chorong. Chorong cups her mouth, bursting into tears. She walks to her car and drives straight to her apartment.

Suho's penthouse,

Suho locks the door of his unit and falls to the floor. He hugs his knees and breaks into tears. He cries out loud thinking of the scene just now. That's it, after three years. He walks to the glass shelf, flipping down all of his pictures with Chorong. Deep down in his heart, it's so painful.

He enters his room and sits on his bed. Suho tries his best to hold his tears but it's just so hard for him to do so. There are so many moments of him with Chorong. He looks to the empty side of the bed. Chorong always sleep at that side whenever she visited him.

He can't believe himself for being weak by letting her go. He knows the truth that he really can't live without her, but his ego is too high. Suho lies down on the bed and the memories hit him in the mind. The voice of Chorong talking, laughing and smiling beside him. Her perfume, her presence.

Suho- I don't know letting you go is so hard

to be continued

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