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Chorong lies down on the couch once she reach her apartment. She decides to move out from her parents' house because it's too hard for her to forget Suho. Her parents don't even help her to move on. All they do are asking questions like are you okay? have you eaten? why are you thinking about him? which are not helping her at all.

Chorong- Damn it, Park Chorong! Just move on!

Chorong curses to herself as she walk into her room. Done taking her bath, Chorong changes into her pink sleepwear. She lies down on her bed and turns on her phone. She slides into the gallery, clicking on the folder compiling her pictures with Suho.

Chorong smiles as she look at the pictures. Old moments that she'll never forget. Suho gave her everything he has. She never ask for, but he still did those for her. He's indeed the best man a woman could have for the rest of her life. But, surely, that woman won't be her. Chorong feels her tears running down. She throws her phone to the side.

Chorong- Shit! Why would you cry? He doesn't love you anymore! You can see that he moved on at the meeting!

Chorong scolds herself. It still pain her seeing Suho talking with other girls. Though they're also the business partners, but she just don't like it. Seeing Suho with his happy smile while talking to other girls make her feel betrayed. The worst part was actually Suho didn't even greet her at the meeting and instead he just walk to other girls.

Chorong- Stop thinking about him! Urgh, I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! I hate..

Her tears fall harder. Chorong buries her face with the pillow, crying hard. The pain is too much for her to handle. She's never been this painful. Not even before. This is too much. He walked away from her life just like that. What would she do without him? It's true, without Suho, Chorong is nothing. She can't live without him.

Chorong- How I wish I've never met you


Flashback, 3 years ago

Chorong checked her looks nervously on the mirror. She didn't know why Suho suddenly asked her for a dinner date. She wore her brown fedora with black knee length bodycon dress. The golden belt made her looks perfect. Chorong smiles to herself.

She walked down and took her favorite black Gucci heels. She smiled at her parents before walking out. Outside the mansion, Chorong saw Suho looking dashing in his expensive black suit while leaning on his luxurious BMW. Chorong bit her lips, why did he look so hot? She walked to him.

Suho- Hi, Chorong
Chorong- H..hi. Do I look good?
Suho- You look beautiful, like a goddess
Chorong- N..nde?
Suho- Arr.. let's go

Chorong frowned as Suho opened the door for her. Did he just compliment her as a goddess? He really knew how to make her go crazy. Only God knows how long has she been crushing on him. Being complimented as beautiful made her over the heels.

Suho drove his car on the busy night road. Chorong glanced to her left, watching Suho who looked so damn fine with those sunglasses. While on Suho's side, he tried so hard to not lose focus on his driving. This was his first time asking Chorong for a date. And it made him insane for 3 nights straight to think of the way to confess.

He liked her? No, he loved her. He really loved her. This dinner date was for him to confess his feelings for her. They arrived at the restaurant. Chorong was amazed when she looked at the decorations. They're elegant and comfortable. It looked good in customers' eyes. Suho held Chorong's hand as they walk into the restaurant.

They sat facing each other, feeling awkward. After ordering their food, they both remained silent. The food arrived and they both are in silent. After that, the situation became dry again. No one spoke unless someone make a move. Suho fixed his position and looked at Chorong direct in her eyes.

Suho- Chorong, I have something to tell you
Chorong- W..what is it?
Suho- I.. actually, I.. I love you..
Chorong- *choke Nde?
Suho- I love you, Park Chorong
Chorong- *shy I.. I love you too

Flashback ends

Suho wakes up from his dream. Shit, first their first time having sex and now the day they confessed at each other. After this what? Their first kiss together? Ugh. Suho curses to himself and glances at the clock. It's just 3.35 am. He lies down back on the bed.

Suho tries to sleep but he just can't. The moments of him and Chorong keep coming to his mind. Her beautiful face, her angelic voice and her cute and childish behaviors. Suho leans against the headboard, looking to the closed curtains. He looks at the empty side of the king sized bed. That was Chorong's side.

Suho- Why would you think about her, pabo? She didn't even look at you in yesterday's meeting

Suho lies his head on Chorong's pillow. Her shampoo is still there. Her perfume still can be smelled in the room. Suho sighs in frustration, feeling defeated. He never know moving on is actually harder than Maths. If breaking up is painful, then don't dare to talk about moving on.

Suho- Why must you in the middle of the night? Why are you still in my mind?

Because you still love her

His inner self replies. Suho curses and throws his phone away. He lies down and wraps his body with the thick duvet, making himself warm. The wether is so wild. He misses her so much. He hates himself for not protecting her. He misses looking at her face when she's sleeping.

Suho- I miss you, angel

to be continued

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