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Suho arrives at the hospital. He parks his BMW and runs to the counter, asking the nurse where's his dad. He takes the elevator and reaches the VIP wards floor. He sees his mom waiting for him outside the ward.

Suho- Mom, how's dad?
Mrs Kim- Where were you? I was so worried you know!
Suho- Mom, I'm sorry. Now. How's dad?
Mrs Kim- He's fine. Go in, he wants to talk to you

Suho obeys Mrs Kim and walks into the ward. There, Mr Kim is lying weak on the bed with all the machines helping him. Suho bites his lips, feeling guilty. He knows that his dad is not well, yet he still spend time with Chorong.

Mr Kim- Son..

Suho sits on the chair and takes Mr Kim's hand. His hand is so cold as if he's living in the igloo. He feels so bad looking at his dad like this. Though he's spoiled by his parents and sometimes being contemptuous, he never forget that they're his parents.

Suho- Dad, your hand is cold. Are you okay?
Mr Kim- *cough/ I'm fine, son. Where did you go? Why didn't you come earlier?
Suho- I'm sorry Dad. I was at my house, with.. Chorong..

Suho looks down, afraid to look at his dad. Yes, sometimes he's afraid if his parents find out he's with Chorong. He squeezes Mr Kim's hand, asking for apology. Mr Kim coughs again, Mrs Kim hands him a glass of water. Suho looks up.

Mr Kim- Break up with her, son
Suho- Dad, no. You know I can't do that
Mr Kim- Son.. please. You know my time is not that long
Suho- Dad, don't say that. I can't break up with her. I love her, I can't lose her. Dad, please dad

Suho begs for only God knows how many times. He loves his parents and he loves Chorong so much too. He can't lose her. He can't imagine his life without her. She's his first love. She's the only woman who can make him smile for no reason.

Suho's tears fall, proving to his parents that he really can't let Chorong go. Mrs Kim runs to her only son, let him cry on her shoulder. Mr Kim coughs again, looking at his beloved son. The son that he used to spoil even until now.

Mrs Kim- Son, do you love us?
Suho- Of course, mom. You're my mom and dad. I love both of you so much
Mr Kim- Choose, son. Us or the girl?
Suho- Dad, mom, please. Don't pressure me with this. I can't let her go. Please, I really love her
Mrs Kim- Son, please. For the last time. We did all of this for the best of you. We don't want you to suffer in the future
Suho- No! You can do anything but not breaking me and my girlfriend apart! No, you can't do that! I love Chorong so much!

Mrs Kim hugs her son, calming him down. She knows he loves that girl but as a mother, she knows what's best for him. She sees no good future for her son and that girl. And, mom instinct is always right. Suho cries hard in his mother's warm hug. He can't believe he needs to beg and cry just to fight for him and Chorong.

Mr Kim- Please take my place, son
Suho- H..huh? What do you mean, dad?
Mr Kim- Please, son. Replace me at the company. It's your time
Suho- No way! You promised me that you want to give me some experience first, dad! I'm not ready yet!
Mr Kim- Son, I'm not getting younger. The chair needs someone who is more creative and innovative than me. The chair needs a young CEO now. Please, son. For me, for your mom. For your own self
Suho- And what? You're going to ask me to break up with her and focus on the company? Do both of you really love me? You both dictate my life!

Suho raises his voice, feeling so angry. Mrs Kim holds his hand, asking him to calm down. Suho knows this day would come but he didn't expect that it is so soon. He thought maybe after few years. Well, at least a year.

Suho- But why so soon dad?
Mr Kim- Because you're the only heir. You're the Kim heir, Suho
Mrs Kim- Your dad's right, son. You're the heir and it's already time for you to replace him
Suho- I will do that. Give me 3 months to get ready
Mr Kim- Prepare yourself, son. Can.. *cough

Mr Kim asks Mrs Kim to continue his words. Suho frowns, he smells something fishy and he knows it's no use for him to protest. Suho looks at his mother.

Mrs Kim- Can you do us another favor, son?
Suho- What is it, mom?
Mrs Kim- Break up with Park Chorong. Please

Suho sighs, freeing his hand from his mom's. He knows this was coming. Suho remains silent for a while, thinking back of his relationship with her. To be real, it's obvious that they're already tired and boring with each other.

Suho- I will do it. Give me 3 months
Mrs Kim- Are you serious?!
Suho- Yes, I'm serious. But, I have a request and I want both of you to agree with me
Mr Kim- What is it, son?
Suho- Don't dictate my life anymore right after I replace you at your place. And, that will be 3 months from now. I don't want to be dictated or else, you can say you have no son.

His parents look so shock. They give each other uneasy glances. Suho knows his parents don't like the idea of letting him free. They nod, agreeing. Suho smiles before leaving the ward.

to be continued

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