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Suho slams the door of his penthouse hard. He removes his coat and looses his tie roughly, feeling angry. He storms into the kitchen, taking bottles of beer, wine, soju, tequila and even whiskey. He swallows the alcoholic liquor down his throat.

Suho screams at the top of his lungs, feeling so damn mad. How he wished he could wash off the thoughts just now. He leans his back on the counter bar, cursing himself. Stupid! Stupid, Kim Junmyeon! She moved on! She has changed! Suho screams again, letting go of his anger. The scene just now pops up in his mind again.


Suho looked at Chorong who is walking into the elevator. They just finished the meeting about the hotel. He didn't know why, but he just can't stop looking at her. He didn't even focus on the meeting that Yoona needed to repeat the same time all over again. Suho stood up and walked out to the other elevator.

He was sure that Chorong was at ground floor, waiting for her assistant. He ran out from the building and tried to catch Chorong. At last, he managed to pull her by her wrist. Chorong, who was shock, turned to her back. She was shock to see Suho there. She tried to free her wrist, but Suho tightened his grip.

Chorong- What are you doing? Let me go
Suho- Enough with this running. I'm tired of catching you. Aren't you tired of running away?
Chorong- What do you mean, Suho? We have nothing. Remember, no thing. There's nothing between us
Suho- We were together, Chorong. I want to go back to those times
Chorong- Stop this, Suho. We will never go to the past. Move on, let me go. This is what you wanted all these times right? Prove me you're a man, Suho
Suho- I still love you, Chorong. And that's going to last forever
Chorong- Nothing lasts forever, Suho. Not even love. So please, let me go and move on

Chorong freed her wrist, but her feet were glued to the earth. She can't even move looking at Suho like that. He looked so desperate. Chorong tried her best to hold her damn tears. She looked around and saw a familiar blue Ferrari. Thank God, that guy arrives at the right time.

The car stopped in nearby Suho and Chorong. The owner walked out, revealing Woohyun in his dashing black office attire. Woohyun came near to them and greeted Chorong. Chorong quickly clung her left arm with Woohyun's. The guy was taken aback with her action. Suho clenched his jaw, feeling angry.

Chorong- Suho, this is my boyfriend, Woohyun

Woohyun widened his eyes in shock. What the hell was this girl trying to do? Suho can't believe his ears nor eyes. She moved on, she changed. And he's too late to realize it.

Suho- Nice meeting you, Woohyun ssi
Woohyun- N..nde.. but who are you?
Suho- I'm Chorong's ex. I'm glad she found someone to take care of her. Treat her nicely okay?
Woohyun- N..nde
Suho- Okay. I'm leaving now

Suho left Chorong and Woohyun. He stormed back into the building, slamming hard the door of his cabin. Shit! Shit! Fuck it! Damn! Just move on, Kim Junmyeon!

End flashback

Suho swallows down another can of beer. He can't believe she moved on just like that. He's angry. He's sad. He's frustrated. He's scared! That shows enough that he'll lose her forever. He messes with his hair, walking into his room. He removes his top and lies down on the bed.

Suho- Argh!

He punches the pillow hard, letting go of his anger. Suho looks at his reflection on the mirror. He looks like a total mess. He looks so broken right now. Suho screams and laughs at his own reflection. He continues laughing as he chug in another whiskey.

Suho- Look at you, Kim Junmyeon. Going crazy about someone who don't even bother to give a damn about you. You're so sad, Kim Junmyeon. Go back to your old life where people know you as the weak Junmyeon and not the star Suho. You're so sad, Junmyeon. You'll never get on Suho's level. You're such a pathetic. PATHETIC

Suho laughs at his reflection in the mirror.

Suho- You're such a loser. I am a loser. Hoping for someone who doesn't give a fuck about me anymore. Hoping for a girl that I used to fuck before. I'm so stupid. I will never be with her. Never. Why? Because I'm a loser. A pathetic LOSER

Suho laughs again, but afterwards, he starts to cry and scream in pain. He looks like someone who just lost his mind. Yes, he lost his mind now. Without Chorong, he's nothing but just the weak Junmyeon. The weak boy he thought will never ever come to him again. The weak boy that he thought was no longer alive. The weak boy who used to be loved by his parents. He threw Junmyeon out of his life because of Chorong. He wanted her to see him as perfect and not weak.

Suho- You're really a loser, Kim Suho

He looks down to the floor, crying hard. He feels like he wants some space to think. Kadota? Yes. The lacuna in his heart. He turns on his phone and plays Ed Sheeran's Perfect. The mellifluous melody makes him think of the past. The time where he danced with Chorong on their candle light dinner. He thought the pain is transitory, but erroneous hits him.

The song changes into I Know You Were Trouble by Taylor Swift. At this moment, he feels like a complete mess. Looking at how the lyrics suit his situation well. Suho curses himself as he sing to the lyrics.

Suho- I knew you were trouble when you walked in
           So shame on me now
           Flew me to places I'd never been
           Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground

to be continued

©Be The One • SuRongOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora