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Irene pats Chorong's forehead gently with the wet handkerchief. Solar, Hoya and Changsub are looking so worried. Suho is out to get some meds for Chorong at any nearby pharmacy. Chorong starts to make some movement, making everyone there sighing in relief.

Irene- Chorong? Are you okay? Can you hear me?
Chorong- Ugh..

Chorong blinks her eyes few times, trying to gain her consciousness. She looks at Irene, before looking at the 3 standing not too far from her. She mouths something that Irene couldn't read.

Irene- What? I.. I don't understand
Chorong- Su..Suho..
Irene- Why are you looking for him? We're here
Chorong- I need Suho.. please, where is he?
Hoya- He went out to get you meds, Chorong
Chorong- No! He can't do that! It's too dangerous for him! My parents are digging into his personal life now! Solar, please call him to come back here!

Solar runs to Chorong and tries to calm her down. Chorong is crying while holding her head like someone who's suffering from mental illness. She's screaming at the top of her lungs as the scenes of her getting hit being played in her mind. Solar looks at the guys.

Solar- Find Suho! Now!

Hoya and Changsub run out from the room and walks downstairs. As they reach the door of the mansion, they see Suho looking at them. He's puzzled when they're trying to catch their own breathes. He frowns.

Changsub- Right on time
Suho- What is wrong?
Hoya- Chorong is awake
Suho- What?!
Changsub- Yes, dude. And she needs you the most right now

Suho looks upstairs as he hear Chorong's voice screaming while crying. He nods at the boys and runs upstairs. They stop Suho right in front of the room, making Suho clueless.

Hoya- We know you can handle her
Changsub- We trust you, bro
Suho- Thanks, bros

Suho walks into the room, looking at Irene and Solar who are trying to calm the hell out of Chorong. He asks them to leave and quickly so on the bed. He pulls Chorong into his hug.

Chorong- Thank God, you're still alive
Suho- Why? What do you mean?
Chorong- Don't leave me again
Suho- I won't, dear. I'll always be here with you
Chorong- Don't go out like that. It's too dangerous
Suho- Why?
Chorong- My parents are searching for me and I know they send people to harm you. It's good not so many people know about this mansion
Suho- Hey, you're safe okay? Now, don't cry. I don't like to see you cry

Suho wipes away Chorong's tears and smiles at her. Chorong smiles back, weakly. She rests her head on Suho's chest, hearing his heartbeat.

Chorong- What time is it?
Suho- It's already 9.30 pm
Chorong- Can you take me to the rooftop?
Suho- But it's night already
Chorong- I want to visit the sky and greet the stars. I didn't get to see the sky because of what happened just now

Suho smiles at Chorong's words. He helps her to stand up and they walk out from the room. The other smile in relief looking at Chorong who's smiling now. Suho and Chorong walk into the elevator, heading to the sky garden. Chorong walks on the wooden floor and lies down, watching the beautiful night sky. Suho joins her.

Suho- Can I ask you something?
Chorong- Hmm
Suho- Why do you love sky so much?
Chorong- Because I envy sky. When it's summer, people are happy, raining, winter. The sky always make people happy because of it's perfection. I want to be perfect like the sky
Suho- But, you're already perfect in my eyes
Chorong- Huh?

Suho just shrug before looking at the dark sky. There are so many stars tonight and Chorong seems to admire them a lot. But not Suho, he prefers to admire the beautiful woman lying down beside him. He looks around, seeing the others watching them. The guys are like supporting him to fix the relationship.

Suho- Chorong?
Chorong- Hmm?
Suho- Let's start again

Chorong looks at Suho in disbelief. Did he.. did he just say that? Did he just suggest them to start everything again? Chorong eyes Suho suspiciously. His eyes are full of hope. She smiles at him.

Chorong- Promise me a thing
Suho- Sure. What is it?
Chorong- I want this relationship to be broke by death only
Suho- You mean.. you want to be with me till our last breath?
Chorong- Uh. You can do it or not?
Suho- Of course I can. This is Kim Suho!
Chorong- Then, let's start again

They both sit down, looking at each other. Suho pulls Chorong into his arms, hugging her tightly. He kisses her forehead, saying I love you several times. He looks at Chorong's face, before looking at her lips. Chorong nods, giving him permission.

Suho wraps his arms around Chorong's waist and kisses her lips softly. Chorong replies to the kiss softly, feeling happy. She wraps her arms around his neck, deepen the kiss. Suho nibbles Chorong's lower lip, forcing her to let him in. Chorong gasps, giving Suho his perfect opportunity to slide his tongue in.

As they're kissing while having a tongue fight, few cheers were heard. Chorong glances and sees their friends cheering. She quickly pulls Suho away, feeling embarrassed. She hits his chest, Suho laughs.

Chorong- You didn't tell me they're here
Suho- You're saying that as if we did something wrong
Chorong- We never kiss in front of them like how we did just now
Suho- I can do more

Suho smirks playfully. Chorong slaps his chest and hides her blushing cheeks on his chest. She can feel his chest vibrating because he's laughing hard. Chorong looks at Suho, Suho smiles.

Suho- I love you
Chorong- I love you more

to be continued

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