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Chorong turns to her left, facing Suho who is still asleep like a baby. She tries to get off from the bed, but Suho's arms are blocking her movements.

Chorong- Sweetie, wake up

Suho mumbles and tightens his hug. Chorong slaps his chest playfully, trying to disturb his dreamland. Suho hmm'ed and slowly opens his eyes. He looks at Chorong.

Suho- Morning, baby
Chorong- Morning too

Chorong tries to break the hug, but Suho softly tightens the hug. Chorong pouts and hits Suho's chest. Suho chuckles and kisses her forehead.

Chorong- Now, why don't you let me go and take a bath? I want to make breakfast
Suho- Hmm, 5 minutes
Chorong- Sweetie, we have class today
Suho- I want my morning kiss

Chorong looks at Suho in disbelief. A smile appears on his face. She rolls her eyes to the back. Godammit, not now. Suho smirks.

Suho- You heard me

Chorong sighs, giving up. She turns around, trying to free herself. Ugh, not with this Kim heir. She looks at him, giving a do you really need a kiss? look. Suho nods.

Chorong moves closer and wraps her arms around Suho's neck before giving a soft kiss on his lips. A winning smile escapes Suho's face. He replies to the kiss and bites Chorong's lower lip. Chorong quickly pulls away and pinches Suho's left arm.

Suho- I was about to start
Chorong- Stop it. We have class today
Suho- Why don't we just skip class and continue what we did last night?

Suho gives his playful smirk. Chorong rolls her eyes to the back, feeling annoyed. Suho brushes his lips against Chorong's ears. Chorong pushes Suho softly.

Chorong- Sweetie, as much as you want me right now, you have to remember our exams are around the corner. Now, get up

Chorong grabs Suho's shirt which is on the floor and wears it. It's good that his shirt covers her body well. She leaves the room and walks into the kitchen.

Suho, who's in the room still lying down as if he got nothing to do. His phone beeps, showing his mom's number on the screen. He sighs, taking the phone

<Where are you?>

He ignores the message and walks to the bathroom. Done brushing his teeth, Suho wears his sweatpants and walks to the kitchen. He smiles as he see Chorong preparing the breakfast.

He walks into the kitchen and sits on the chair, watching his beautiful girlfriend. Chorong realizes Suho's looking at her, so she replies with a soft smile. After making sure the toasts are ready, Chorong brings their breakfast and put them on the table. Suho takes a bite and smiles.

Suho- Your cooking has improved. I'm so lucky
Chorong- You're lucky enough because I only cook for you and me
Suho- Really?

Chorong nods before taking a bite on the toast. Suho looks at her in awe. Although they've been together for 3 years, there are so many things that Chorong doesn't seem to bother telling him.

Suho- Are you going home today?
Chorong- You know I don't have any choice when I disappear for only 3 nights
Suho- Those 3 nights are spent well because you're with me
Chorong- Whatever. Finish your breakfast and go to bath

Chorong wipes her mouth with the tissue and washes the dishes. After that, she walks into another room to take a bath. Making sure everything is ready, Chorong completes her look with a loose ponytail, thin makeup, leather jacket, plain Gucci shirt and skinny denim jeans.

Suho fixes his hair on his mirror. Well, the summer is coming to an end. He fixes his jacket and grabs his sunglasses. He walks out from his room and smiles while looking at Chorong who's busy wearing her expensive YSL high heels.

Suho- Let's go
Chorong- Hmm

Seoul National University,

Suho parks his expensive Ferrari at the students' car park. He hops off from his car and opens the passenger door for Chorong. She smiles and laces her fingers in between his. They walk together to their faculty building.

Since both of them are taking the same course, it's easier for them to meet. They separate and go to their friends. Chorong smiles as Irene and Yongsun beam in happiness at her.

Irene- How's your sweet 3 nights?
Yongsun- Looks like you really enjoyed your stay there
Chorong- Go spend time with your boyfriends

Chorong rolls her eyes in annoyance before joining the girls with their laughter. They walk towards the students lounge, taking books from their lockers. Chorong startles herself when Suho appears as she shut the locker.

Chorong- What are you doing here?
Suho- Well, do you want me to send you home? I mean, after class?
Chorong- If that's not a problem, I'm okay
Suho- Okay, then

Suho playfully pecks Chorong's lips. Chorong slaps his arms, feeling shy. Irene and Yongsun who are watching the couple, laugh together as Chorong hides her face with her book. Her cheeks are red like a tomato.

Irene- Someone's girlfriend is shy here
Chorong- Yah
Yongsun- I thought it's normal for you guys
Chorong- Kim Yongsun, I swear I'm going to kill you
Suho- Stop overreacting. I'll go now. See you in class

Suho smiles and leaves them. Chorong pouts all the time they walk on the hallway. She enters the class and takes her seat which is in between of Irene and Yongsun. Today's going to be a good day.

to be continued

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