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???- Hah? Chorong?
Chorong- Continue your date, I'll leave
???- What?! No! Chorong, don't!

Suho looks guilty looking at Chorong who breaks down right at the time she enters the elevator. She looks at the girl beside him. Seo Joohyun. Joohyun eyes Suho angrily. Is this guy going to stay here and let his girl cry just like that? Joohyun kicks Suho's knees. Suho groans in pain.

Suho- Ow! What's that for?!
Joohyun- What are you doing now? Go get her!
Suho- What?! I haven't finished my lessons yet!
Joohyun- Go to hell with the damn lesson. This is the right time to chase her back! Go now! Before you lose her forever!
Suho- Yes, yes! I'm going!

Suho takes his car key and runs into the elevator, leaving Joohyun. He shouldn't let Joohyun come in even if it's just a training for him to be a better person. He drives his Ferrari outs from the building. He sees Chorong's car, but why isn't she there? Oh no, she runs away in the damn heels and wedding dress? Shit, she's crazy!

Suho- I swear I'll kill myself if anything happened to you, Chorong

Suho drives his car faster than ever, looking for Chorong along the streets. She won't go too far with that damn dress and high heels. He knows he will face her one day, but he isn't expecting that it's going to be this soon. Suho hits the steering wheel as he is stuck in the congested road.

Suho- Wait for me, Chorong. Don't do anything stupid. Don't ever go back to the damn wedding of yours!

Suho speeds up his car and drives once the traffic is clear. He can't stop thinking about Chorong. Everything in his mind is occupied by Chorong. He can't stop worrying about her. But, still. How the fuck can she run away from that damn wedding ceremony? He curses mentally.

Suho's eyes widen as he see Chorong running along the streets. Some pedestrian frown at her because of her appearance. Suho realizes Chorong is trying to cross the road. Without hesitating, he stops his car and runs out.

Chorong feels hopeless. She continues to run even if it's making her tired because of her dress and high heels. She wants to go away. Life is too painful for her. Chorong runs on the road without looking to the left and right. She hears honking sound from afar. This is it, she should die.



Suho pulls Chorong to him and protects her from getting hit by the car. He releases the hug and realizes that Chorong is not moving. He shakes her body, still no response from her. He checks her heartbeat, God she's still alive. He carries Chorong bridal style to his car, ignoring everyone who's looking at them.

Suho puts Chorong carefully on the backseat, putting a pillow on her head and poor his jacket on top of her body. She must be cold wearing the dress. He starts the engine of his car and drives to his mansion. He reaches for the doctor to standby at his house and informs the housekeeper to prepare a room for Chorong.

Suho's mansion,

Suho remains outside of the room as the doctor is checking after Chorong's condition. Mrs Ha, the housekeeper arrives with a blue silk pyjama in her hands. Suho looks at Mrs Ha. Mrs Ha smiles, she knows he's so damn worried about Chorong. Dr Jang walks out from the room.

Suho- Doc, how's Chorong?
Dr Jang- She's stable. Nothing worse actually. It's just she fainted due to shock and stress. She got a fever too
Suho- Oh, is that all?
Dr Jang- Well, I found some scar and bruise on her body. They look new. Either she tries to hurt herself or she's been abused. These are her meds, please make sure she takes it on time for speedy recovery
Suho- Thank you, doctor

Dr Jang smiles and walks downstairs, accompanied by Mrs Ha. Suho looks at Chorong from the door. She suffered because of him. How can he be so blind? If only his ego didn't win the other day at the party, maybe he and Chorong are already together. Mrs Ha appears.

Mrs Ha- I will change her clothes first
Suho- Sure

Mrs Ha walks into the room and helps Chorong to change her dress into the comfortable pyjama. After few minutes, Mrs Ha walks out and Suho enters the room. He sits on the chair, looking at Chorong who is lying pale on the bed. He feels angry with himself because he couldn't keep his promise to protect her from danger.

Suho- Why are you still trying to fix everything, Chorong? I've been so bad towards you but you're still after me. Why, Chorong? Why did you let yourself get hurt? Why did you waste your precious tears for someone like me? Why must you hurt yourself for a bastard like me? I don't deserve you, Chorong ah. You're too good for me. Someone out there deserves your love but why must you choose me? I never appreciate you dear. Stop hurting yourself, Chorong. I'm sorry that I break all of our promises. I'm sorry that I can no longer protect you, I'm really sorry. You don't deserve all this suffering. You deserve to be happy, to live a better life

Suho cries as he hold Chorong's cold hands. He feels so useless seeing the girl he loves in pain. Hurt because of him. He hurts her again and he doesn't know how to fix everything. Everything is damaged right now, there's no turning back at all. Someone pats Suho's back. Suho looks up. Mrs Ha is looking at him with motherly look.

Mrs Ha- Go to sleep, Junmyeon. I will take care of her
Suho- Okay, auntie

to be continued

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