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Suho sits on the couch, waiting for Chorong who is getting ready in her room. Tonight is the party and he has no idea why he is so excited to bring Chorong to the party. It's like putting her in danger. You know, since her parents are looking for her right now.

Chorong walks downstairs after making sure she looks perfect with her dress. She stops in the middle of the staircase, waiting for Suho to look at her. But, that guy doesn't seem to realize that she's ready. Chorong tries to calm her heart. Why is she feeling nervous?

Chorong- Suho?

Suho, who is checking his phone while sitting on the couch turns to the back. His jaw drops looking at Chorong who's standing on the stairs. For fuck sake of the bubble tea, she looks so damn beautiful and hot in her dress. Suho walks to the stairs, offering his hand for Chorong to take. Chorong smiles shyly as she take Suho's hand.


MC- Welcoming you, our CEO, Mr Kim Suho!

The door opens, revealing Suho walking in with Chorong. Chorong casually clings her arm around Suho's, giving everyone puzzled look. Some of the women staff are whispering, glaring at Chorong with jealousy and hatred. Chorong could hear all those words as they walk along the red carpet.

"I thought Mr Kim is single"

"How come? He's full package"

"But I wasn't expecting he would take his girlfriend here"

"The rumors are true"


"Isn't that Park Chorong? The rumor about them dating is true"

"The girl who disappear on her own wedding?"

Chorong gulps down her saliva hearing all those conversations. She literally forget about her damn status as a rich businesswoman. She looks up at Suho and realizes that he's looking at her. Chorong gives a worried face. Suho smiles, assuring her everything is fine.

They take their seats along with the other shareholders and directors. Chorong's trying her best to pretend that she knows no one inside the hall. Damn, this kind of party is dangerous. She'll be easily spotted by everyone. Chorong squeezes Suho's hand, making him look at her.

Chorong- Can I go to take other food?
Suho- You want to go alone, dear?

Chorong's eyes widen at Suho's words. Damn, the acting. Of course the whole hall would think of her as Suho's girlfriend now. She forces a smile towards Suho.

Chorong- Can I? You can continue talking with your friends
Suho- Are you sure? Okay then, don't let other guy flirt with you

Suho kisses Chorong's cheeks out of nowhere. Chorong's cheeks turn red. She instantly pinches Suho's thigh, sticking out her tongue at him before leaving the table. As she walk, Chorong realizes some of the single girls are looking at her with hatred and jealousy. She decides to ignore it until she hears some words that stab her right into her heart.

"She can't get enough. First Lee Minhyuk, now Mr Kim"

"Typical rich girl"

"Just because she's sexy, Mr Kim is attracted to her"

"I wonder how many times have they slept together. Tch"

Chorong's fist balled, feeling angry. She walks to the table boldly, facing the girls bravely. They look shock when Chorong approach them. Chorong smirks when Suho suddenly come.

Chorong- Good that you come on time
Suho- What's happening here? Why do you approach them?
Chorong- They keep talking bad about me. And, most of them are not the truth

Suho eyes his staff angrily. Chorong smirks in victory as Suho pull her by her waist towards him. All of them quickly apologize and beg Suho to not fire them. After that, Chorong asks permission to go to the buffet. Suho keeps following her from the back. Chorong doesn't really care, she actually feel safe when he's around her. Suddenly,

???- Chorong?

Chorong widens her eyes in shock as she hear that voice. She remains still without lifting up her face, she decides to just look at the plate. Damn it! What are her parents doing here?!

Mr Park- Chorong? Park Chorong right?
Mrs Park- Dear, why aren't you looking at us? Come home with us please. We miss you
Chorong- Stay away from me

Chorong lifts up her head and takes a step back from her parents. Suho, who realizes the intense atmosphere, remains silent. Mr Park tries to come near her, but Chorong keeps on moving to the back until she hit Suho. But, she doesn't care about that. She's just scared of her parents right now.

Chorong- Stay away!
Mr Park- Where did you go, Chorong? Why are you running away from us?
Mrs Park- Chorong, we can discuss about this
Chorong- Nothing to discuss! Suho, take me back home please. Please, I'm scared

Chorong looks at Suho, begging. Her eyes are teary, telling him that she's really scared right now. Chorong tightens her grip on Suho's white blazer. Suho circles his arm around her waist. Mrs Park looks furious with the two.

Mr Park- What have you done to my daughter?
Mrs Park- Give her back to us!
Chorong- Suho, don't.. I don't want to go back to them..
Suho- I'm sorry, sir, ma'am. But, I'll only follow what Chorong said. She doesn't want to go with both of you, so I hope you can respect her decision
Mr Park- What do you mean? She's our daughter!
Chorong- You never treat me like one! Suho, let's go. I don't want to see them. Please, let's go home. I'm tired
Suho- Sure, Chorong. Let's go home

Suho and Chorong walk passed Mr and Mrs Park, leaving the highly decorated ballroom. Suho let Chorong cry on his chest as they reach the carpark. Few minutes after that, Suho's personal driver arrives. He quickly drives Suho and Chorong home. Shit, what a drama.

to be continued

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