29. Food Fight!

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"Hmm. Well this is unexpected." Apex

"Amarok! Nice timing!" Bass

"How'd you find us?" Specter

"The nose knows." Amarok

"He totally sniffed out the food." Bass

"Nonetheless you are here and that's all that matters. It also saves me the trouble of looking for you." Specter

"Glad I can help." Amarok

"I believe I left you in the care of my large group of fodders. How exactly did you escape them?" Apex

"That large group of fodders as you so called them don't even compare to hasbeens that can actually entertain me. Now...." Amarok says then turns to the creature known as #737.

"Got a name? Or should I just call you collateral damage?" Amarok

"Apparently his name is #737." Bass

"Sounds tragic. Remind me to feel sorry later." Amarok

"Now all of this has admittedly been amusing but I think it's time that we all-" Apex says but is cut off the moment Amarok leaps forward and tackles #737 through the wall.

"That means shut up and fight." Specter

"I'll handle the snake sisters. You go and assert your dominance." Bass

"I'll be watching your back just in case." Specter says just before Bass runs off to the side.

"Stay focus. I got this!" Bass

As Bass runs to the side she uses her flute to launch a couple of sound waves after Collute and Collate. The attacks make contact by knocking their heads back a little and rattles their brains. They quickly refocus themselves and make Bass their primary target.

"Well. Let us begin." Specter

"I'd rather enjoy my-" Apex would start to say but quickly leans his head to the side successfully avoiding a gunshot.

The gunshot came from Specter's gaunlet witch she had quickly raised and aimed for Apex.

"That wasn't a request." Specter

Apex stares at Specter for a brief moment until he takes a deep sigh and stands up from the table.

"Do you honestly think that you can take me on?" Apex asks as he walks away from the table.

"Does it look like I am backing down?" Specter

"No man has ever bested me in battle." Apex says then stops a short distance in front of Specter.

"I like my odds." Specter

Specter positions her hands on her blade handle and takes a battle ready stance. Apex simply stands still as he stares at Specter with a blank look. In a sudden burst of movement Specter leaps forward and swings her blade at a horizontal. Apex blocks the attack with his Gauntlet armor and they both hold each other in place.

"Oh? That was quite the attack. Where was this when we first met?" Apex

"Less talking. More fighting." Specter says then pushes off of Apex.

Collute and Collate both perform a coordination of attacks after Bass who successfully dodges each attack with her athleticism. Bass performs a couple more flips when she takes a deep breath and blows into her flute launching a soundwave attack. The attack hits Collute, knocks her back a little and causes her to suffer from the immediate effects of high pitched noises ringing through her ears. Collate slithers around Collute and moves to attack Bass. Bass keeps her momentum and runs in the same direction. She continues to avoid the slash attacks with precision and keeps her momentum at a steady pace.

Guardian Alliance Book #2: A Hero's AnthemWhere stories live. Discover now