Kill or Kiss Me?! II|Feelings

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Chapter Twenty-Six

Dedicated to : KrystalHuntress

Today was December 24th.

It meant one thing; Been Concert. It was Been, the BEEN, the artist I looked up so much and bought their every album.

But somehow I don't feel happy, even with the fact that Jackie got me the best seats to view the concert. I'm supposed to be excited, squealing like a fan-girl since every girl dreams to atleast meet their idols just once.

I take a deep breath; I'm happy! Yes, I'm happy! I glance at my own reflection and forced a smile, trying to play pretend that I was indeed alright.

The nagging in my stomach intensified, as if knots were forming on it. I held my chest, feeling a mild ache in my heart. Am I gonna die? Why is my heart aching right now?

I shake my head, trying to get rid of depressing thoughts. Today's a great day. I'm going to scream and chant at Been concert with all my might. I'm going to spend Christmas eve by myself.

Yes, I don't need anyone. I can have fun even with myself. It'll be fun....somehow.

I went around my closet and picked up a white dress that reached up to my knees, camel-coloured coat that would compliment the dress and some pink boots.

I put them on and smiled, glancing back and forth as I appreciated my own outfit coordination. I decided to let my hair loose and add a flower pin to at least make me look cute.

I applied bright pink lip-gloss and some blush on to make my cheeks alive  and my blue eyes stand out.

I take a step back and took one last look by myself before grabbing my purse and slung it on my shoulder.

I'm going to have fun. I'm sure I will.


The city sure is crowded. Everywhere is brightened up with Christmas lights, every building around you played Christmas songs to the fullest volume while couples all ages walked by, clinging on their loved one's arms.

I frown, walking alongside these couples as I realize that I was probably the only one who's single. Yeah, shove that in my face that I'm single and have no one to spend my Christmas eve with.

I peered by my arm and read the time on my watch; 6:30 p.m. The Been Concert would start by 7:30 and that would leave me atleast some time to spare.

But I had nothing to do. I was all alone, I have no one to have fun with. I could just go to the concert venue and wait in line, glum as time would passed by and before I knew it, I'd have the best fun I'd ever had.

I sigh and kept walking around the bustling streets, my eyes far away as I walked without thinking much. I wonder if Pony Head and Marco are a couple now.

Are they happy? Having fun?

I smiled sadly, feeling the cold gush of December whipped through my face. They probably are happy. I mean it's Christmas Eve, it's a perfect day to be romantic and for couples to get together.

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