Kiss or Kill Me?|Together

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Chapter Fifteen - Together

"Thank you, Star! I'll be brave and confess my feelings for him," Jackie holds my hand with conviction as she looks at me with praise.

I chuckle, scratching my head with my free hand. "I didn't do anything. I haven't even helped you yet."

"But your song was enough to convince me!" she gives me her start struck puppy eyes. I sigh and smile at her. "Then I'll support you Jackie. I hope Oscar will return your feelings."

"Thank you," she grinned and waved farewell to see her beloved.

I stand there watching her go like a duck who has yet to spread its wings. It's been a month since that incident happened. I can't believe how much time had passed and how I just suddenly forgot my feelings for Oscar.

Even if I did stood a chance, I just wouldn't be the right match for him. I feel someone poke my sides. "What's with you looking so glum?"

I looked down to see the midget with a bored expression on his face. "What's it to you?"

"Did something happened?" he asks out of concern and I playfully nudge his shoulders with my elbow. "So you care for me now? Didn't know you were that kind, Diaz," I teased as I watch his face conflicted.

"Shut up, amazona!" he crossed his arms. "--I told you I don't swing that way."

"Well for starters, Jackie said she's going to confess her feelings for Oscar," I smile just thinking about it. If only I had the same courage that she has.

"Are you still hung up on him?"

"Not really," I fiddled with my fingers. "--it's just that I envy her. Beautiful, awesome and feminine. Surely even Oscar could be swayed by her."

"Don't beat yourself," he mutters and I glanced at him, waiting for his reply. "-I'm pretty sure you have redeeming qualities. Uhm, you're funny, tall and violent."

I smack his head in frustration and he chuckles while rubbing the spot. "I was joking!"

"But you're unique you know," he says. "--if someone truly accepted you for who  you are, then you're  lucky. Not even the cutest girls can compare to you."

Did he really say that? How can I make fun of him when his words were truly sincere. No one said has ever said that to me. That I'm unique. I feel my heart racing fast as I try to calm it down whilst my defiant blush wasn't helping.

"S-stop joking!" I try to make fun of it since I don't think I can forget those words if I believe it's not joke. "--you should really watch what you say or you're never  going to grow an inch."

He gives me a frown. "What's with you? I was being sincere you know, it's not everyday I'm kind to someone like you, so be grateful," and before I could say anything, he walks away.

You're the one with a problem. I stand there with my hand clutch to my chest. Suddenly saying  things out of's stupid.


"So today's the last day, huh.." I say to Janna absent-mindly as I stare at the window. Janna rests her palm under her chin and stares at me carefully. "What's with you?"

"It's nothing," I mumbled and feel the cold wind brushing my skin. "Are you in love?"

I look at her with my eyes widened. "In love?! Who would I-I fall in love with?!"

"Then, you like someone," she smiles and points her finger at me. "--I know one when I see one."

"I-I don't like anyone," I persisted but she sighs. "--did you finally realize you liked Marco?"

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