Kill or Kiss Me?! II|Christmas Eve Conflict

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Chapter Twenty-Five-
Christmas Eve Conflict

Note : This is a time-skip.


It was the week before Christmas.

As usual, every household in the town put up their decorations. Some went over the top and some decided to drown their houses with Christmas lights that any person's eyes would be blinded.

You can never forget the blaring of Christmas songs from the neighbourhood, the mall, or a car that would pass by you. 

It was insufferable. Hearing the same song repeat again and again in high volume. All I want for Christmas is etched in my mind and I could probably sing it by how many times I've heard it.

Not to mention people are nicer at this time of the year. People you pass by would stop and greet you with a smile. It's like everyone's under a spell when Christmas comes around.

Lastly, the stores and malls are jammed with people buying gifts for their special ones, kids running up to fake Santa and taking photos and so was people buying the groceries to prepare the best Christmas ever.

I sigh, finally arriving on my classroom from people chattering about their plans this Christmas and placed my bag on the floor.

Star sees my worn out expression and chuckles to my expense. "What's the matter kid? Aren't you happy Santa's around to make your wish come true?"

"Shut up," I hiss, clicking my tongue.

She roared in laughter, mused in my misery and pipes up another lame retort. "That's rude you know? You're gonna get into Santa's naughty list. You don't want that."

I ignored her, frowning as I grabbed my phone from my pocket and scrolling at my feed, boring my eyes into people shamelessly bragging about their new presents and their houses.

Tch. Somehow this makes me more peeved.

"What do we have here?" Janna finally pops up in the middle of nowhere, inspection both of us like we're her subjects.

"Anyway, Christmas is next week, so what are your plans?" Janna asks, taking a seat in between of us. Then she pretends to be shock, putting an over exaggerated expression on her face. "I forgot."

"You two are going to the Been concert," Janna says in fake surprise. "---that's so unfair! You two are going on Christmas Eve and I'm stuck at home, celebrating Christmas with my folks."

"For your information," I interjected, giving Janna one last glance before reverting my gaze back to my phone. "--I only agreed to it because it's Been. The Been. Even if that barnacle beside me would ask me, I wouldn't in any years agree to."

"What?!" I hear the loud slamming of fists on the desk.

I placed my fingers on my ears, preparing for a megaphone to blare on the entire classroom. Then she screeches in high pitch, as if she wasn't unbearable already. "I WOULDN'T GO WITH YOU EITHER!"

"Whew, I've just arrived and I see another one of your outbursts," Jackie appears in sight, looking back and forth with a conflicted look. "--chill. It's Christmas next week."

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