Kill or Kiss Me?! II |Punk Girl--What?

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Chapter Twenty -
Punk Girl--What?

It was currently the third period of class--which was English, and as much as I want to say I like it, I don't. 

I mean it's embarrassing that I grew up speaking English, yet I suck at the subject I should be more fluent at. I guess I'm just an idiot, inside and out.

Fortunately, our class representative, said that Ms. Simmons, the most boring, and stern terror teacher that would make you piss your pants, was currently absent for unspecified reasons.

I should be a good student and worry about her, atleast pretend to act all sad and down, but I wasn't and instead I couldn't tame this wide grin on my face. I'm horrible, but I really hate sitting down an entire hour listening to her blabber and then shift to her life stories--that isn't related at all.

It's as if she has no one to vent her troubles, and instead acts like we're here to listen to that. Like that time she ranted to us how much of a loser her husband was or how she wanted to retire.

Since she didn't prepare any project or homework, we were free during this period and that meant one thing; craziness. Like full craziness; the girls are chattering loud with their shrill tone, the boys were crowding themselves as they played their own games and Diaz, well this midget put out his phone and inserted his earphones.

I didn't feel like going to Janna because I have nothing to tell her, and I felt calm and serene by merely staring at the view outside the windows.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, then I turned around to meet Diaz's visage. He looked at me with his arms reached out whilst he motions for me to come close.

I scrunched my brows at him. Instead of saying something like a decent person, he persists with his face more aggravated, his motions more in haste. I roll my eyes and spoke. "Are you mute?"

"Do I have to spell everything out to you, Butterfly?" he says in a grumble, frowning at me with his lips curved downwards.

"You can just tell me," I replied, feeling too tired to start another quarrel with him. It's not like I always want to bicker with Diaz, there are just some times where I want to be alone.

"--for example, speaking," I pointed it out to him like a buffoon.

"Just come close!" he hisses and I sigh, giving in as I scoot my chair close to him until our legs were pressed. He glanced at me, then lifts his hand to tuck my strands of hair behind my ear.

I turn red as I was surprised by him touching me without any warning. I yank his hand away, feeling my cheeks becoming hot. "W-what are you doing?" I sputtered,  losing my control.

"Unless you want me to put my earphone in your nose, then suit yourself," he looked at me blandly. "--so are you gonna put this earphone in your ear or not?"

I snatch the other pair of earphone from his hold with an embarrassed look on my face as I pressed it inside my ear, while I glared at him. "You could have just told me! How was I supposed to understand  that?"

He ignores my comment and continues, pressing some buttons on his phone. "Listen to this."

The music starts and I'm met with the familiar sound, then the voice starts and it's familiarity made me realize. With wide eyes, I stared at Diaz in a mere whisper. "Is this their new song?"

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