She turned to face her son and his friend but the instant she saw Minho her face dropped, she then forced the smile back onto her face and turned to Minho

"I thought felix was coming dear?"

Minho felt a pang in his heart, he kind of felt left out and that Ms. Han didn't like him, but he guessed that Jisung had been through a lot so It was normal that she wasn't exactly trusting of all his friends.

"Mum" Jisung hissed quietly and Ms. Han gave Minho a slightly dirty look but masked it with a smile, "He'll be here in a second.... I told you I was also bringing a new friend!!"

"Did you...?"

At that very moment the doorbell rang out and Ms. Han opened it with a bright smile, enveloping the small freckled boy in a hug as if her where her own son,

They came back into the kitchen where Jisung and Minho where and after just managing to get a wave out to the other two Felix was dragged over to the counter to try all sorts of snacks, Nodding and replying that they where delicious each time and earning shoulder pats and adoring smiles from Ms. Han

"Oh it's so good to see you again Felix, we missed you a lot!" She said for about the fiftieth time "And we'll have to feed you well, look at how skinny you've gotten" She enveloped him in a hug once again and placed kisses on either of his cheeks,

Minho stood in the corner pouting jealously, he wanted to get along like this with Jisung's mum, why did Felix always get special treatment, Jisung was also already fed up of the display and grabbed Felix's hand pulling him to safety,

"I think he gets the point mum" Ms. Han giggled a little before her eyes fell on Minho who was awkwardly standing in the corner of the room fidgeting with the sleeves of his black hoodie, her eyes hardened,

"Why don't you take the snacks I cooked into the living room and arrange them while I get to know your friend dear." Her voice was warm but there was menace behind her tone, Minho gulped knowing exactly what was going to happen, Jisung and Felix did too and gave the elder pitying looks before scurrying out of the room.

Once they had left the room Ms. Han paused to take of her pink and green flowery apron and hang it up painfully slowly before turning to Minho and hardening her expression, she didn't beat around the bush

"Why do you hang out with my son?"


"Do you geniuenly like him or are you playing with him."

"I like him! Geniuenly!" Minho didn't even hesitate to answer but Ms. Han merely clicked her tounge, not seeming to believe him as she leant forwards on the counter supporting herself with her crossed arms

"You don't fool me, look at your face, you're a pretty boy, I'm sure you're very popular.."

Minho just hung his head not bothering to deny it, it was the truth after all, even if he didn't like it

"So then why do you like Jisung?"

"I-" Minho paused.

Why did he hang out with Jisung over everyone else?

At first it had been because of pity and because he hadn't found any other genuine people in the school, but now, although dong-min was a jerk, he'd made friends with Chan, Chan was genuine and nice, he was kind and put others before himself he was just kind of stuck in his own head.

He'd heard of Seungmin and Hyunjin from Jisung and actually happened to speak to them once them being some of the most popular students and all, since what had happened with Jisung they hadn't spoken to each other and seemed kind of miserable, he didn't think they'd done what they did on purpose,

point being that there were other genuine and nice people in the school but for some reason Minho found himself drawn to Jisung of all the students,

He didn't know, he didn't really understand himself, as he stood there staring at the ground deep in thoughts in Jisungs kitchen with Jisung's mum staring at him he began to question himself,

Why was he trying to explain himself to this woman?

Especially when he didn't even know himself?

Why was he even at Jisungs house?

Why was he trying to get close to Jisung?

there was silence, because he couldn't find an answer,

because he didn't know.

But then Jisung, impatient and worried for Minho popped his head in the kitchen and looked at the two before retreating, and in that small moment Minho felt a sense of peace, Jisung didn't even have to say anything but it was enough.

He looked up and stared at Ms. Han dead in the eye "Because he's him."

It wasn't a very good reason, it wasn't a full answer, but for now it was enough and somehow in that moment she understood and nodded with a small smile, 

she passed him a tray of kimbap and gave him the same warm, homely smile she'd given Felix, 

"Go enjoy the snacks" she said ruffling his hair and gently pushing him in the direction of the living room, He went and he sat next to Jisung with a small and slightly blissful smile on his face

The two boys stared at him intensly wanting answers as to what it had been like or waiting fro to complain about Ms. Han hating him but instead he looked a Jisung and smiled a little wider

"Your mum's nice"

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