Chapter Thirty Four

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© 2020 just_cait_here

"Pinky Swear"


Kenya POV

"Oh, oh, what a beautiful dayyy... sun shining, birds chirping, humans scattering.... oh oh, how lovely," I sing softly, walking down the middle of a street, giggling as the cars swerve to avoid me.

I like the sound their tires make on the asphalt when they slam on the brakes.
Like nails on a chalkboard, almost.
But different. Not as unpleasant. More... comforting.
A sound that communicates the chaos I feel inside.

"Get out of the road you crazy woman!"

I laugh softly. "Crazy?"

"Somebody call the cops!" A man shouts out his window.

"Oh please, they'll do more harm than good." A woman snaps, walking slowly towards me.

I blink at her inquisitively. She is approaching carefully. Her body language is non-aggressive.
I wait for the voices to give me instruction.
For somebody to tell me what to do.
But they are silent.

"Hey, sweet girl... what's your name?" The woman asks, reaching out and softly touching my arm.

I look down at her hand, than study her face. "Name? Just one name?"

"Yes, just one name." She says gently, guiding me towards a sidewalk.

"I don't know. I think I'm called Tiger."

She smiles. "Tiger? I like it. Are you in trouble, hon?"

"Me? Trouble? Why oh why would I be in trouble?" I ask, confused.

That's right. You are never going to be in trouble again.

"Oh, Frankie! I was wondering where you've been. Why were you quiet?" I exclaim, glad that my friend was back.

Unfazed, the woman takes my hand and begins to softly walk me down the street.
"You're not in trouble, baby girl, don't worry. I'm going to take you somewhere safe, okay? A place where they can help you."

"But I want a donut." I protest, pouting.

"Not right now. You're wounded and bleeding. You need medical help."

"Do the medical help people give donuts?"

"Um, I'm not sure. Tell you what. You let them take care of you, and I'll bring you a donut."

"Pinky swear?"

She smiles. "Pinky swear, Tiger."

No, no. Do not let woman get you help. Help is a lie. You must take care of yourself and hide. Quickly, quickly!

"Oh be quiet, Frankie. She said she would give me donuts."

"Yes that's right. Whatever your favorite kind is."

I frown. "One favorite kind? But I like so many. Like the raspberry jelly ones, and the maple bars, and the chocolate ones with cream filling, and-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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