Chapter Twleve

7 5 19

© 2020 just_cait_here

"Fraud Paintings and Stalkers."

Kenya POV


Makoa is banging his head on the glovebox. He's probably groaning too but I can't hear him over the music.

I hold up a finger, signaling that I'm almost done with my breathtaking performance.

My music shuts off.
"Okay okay, enough! Fine, we can get more cheeze-its!"

I smile cheekily. "I knew you'd come around."

"Did you now." Makoa says dryly, gripping his arm rest as I sharply turn into the grocery store parking lot.
Thankfully Fluffy seems fine in the backseat, sleeping like she's been the majority of the ride after I gave her those sedatives so she would stop yowling.

"Want anything?" I ask, hopping out of the car once I've parked.

"Nope... although earplugs would be great. Or maybe noise canceling headphones."

"Hm, I don't think so. Be a good boy now and wait for me to come back, I won't be long. Toodles!" I perkily shut the car door and skip off towards the store, absolutely slaying in my neon blue and green outfit I picked up at Target earlier in the day.

Ignoring the weird looks I'm earning from the other shoppers I make my way daintily through the aisles, searching far and wide for my precious cheeze-its. I may or may not get a little sidetracked and buy some mangoes, bananas, and passion fruit juice while I was at it.

Oh and that bag of jumbo gummy bears... and the giant jawbreaker... oh, than there was the skittles...

But that's not the point. The point is I finally found my beautiful crackers and grabbed the bag.
Just as I was about to check out with my nice, full cart of food (I had also spotted the donuts and just couldn't stop myself-) I spotted somebody who looked very familiar.

It only took a moment to register why.

Jake Richardson.
Last I saw him he was a senior in high school, the quarterback of his football team, quite the ladies man, and with a smile that could win over any girl with functioning eyes but a scowl that could crush them just as easily.
Unless of you happened to have a temper and a tongue to fight back.

I did a really stupid thing, but what is life if not for doing stupid things?

I got in Jake's checkout line.
The guy hadn't seen me in what, ten years? Fifteen? Eh, I don't know, time flies.
Doubtful that he would even remember me... or that I was supposed to be, ya know, dead.

I didn't bother to avert my eyes or anything as Jake scanned my thirty million items.
Instead I flashed my megawatt smile formulated especially for these kind of situations.
"You didn't ask me how my day was going, sir," I teased lightly.

The man actually blushed.
"Sorry ma'am... it's just, you look familiar. I can't quite place it."

I wave a hand dismissively.
"I guess I just have one of those faces. You have no idea how many times people come up to me saying I look like somebody they know or knew... like their ex girlfriend." I cough lightly.

He's almost done scanning all my stuff in.
I take my card out to pay.

"Yeah but you look... Do I know you?"

I smile, less of a bright grin this time and more of a baring-my-teeth kind of moment there. "Do you, Jake?"

I quickly insert my card, type my pin, and select yes for receipt.
Giving the guy's brain some time to catch up. He never was the sharpest knife in the drawer.

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