Chapter Eighteen

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© 2020 just_cait_here

"On The Run"

Kenya POV

My time with this girl would soon come to an end, than I could go live another life.
In Ireland.
Far away from everyone here.

Maybe I world return. But not until I was sure that everyone who knew me had forgotten about the brunette girl who went by the names of Georgia, Olivia, Brittney, Danielle, and...


Although there was only one person who knew my name. My real name. And he was the reason I was leaving.

"We're just a few hours away from your place, kiddo. You got all your stuff?" I glance back at the blonde girl.

She smiles and nods. "You betcha."

We had actually gotten into some pretty good conversation, and I had been quite surprised to find she agreed with me on some rather controversial subjects.
It had been hard to discuss things without bringing up my age, though, and still keeping the illusion of the cover story I was given, that she had been out on a camping trip, gotten lost, hit her head, and lost much of her memory.

I was supposed to be some kind of nurse, bringing her back home.

An hour later I pulled into the driveway of a quaint yellow house, with a simple white picket fence, and a few rows of tulips outside.
It was your stereotypical homey home.

"If you don't mind coming inside to grab a snack, that would be great." She offers, hopping out of the car and giving Fluffy one last scratch under the chin.

Me, being one who never turns down free food, agreed to go inside.

Her house, although basic on the outside, was far from that on the inside.

The walls were made out of some kind of smooth material, and as soon as she closed the door it bolted closed, a metal sheath falling over it.

From the outside there had seemed to be windows, but now it was made clear that those were just decorations, props.
There was no way out.

"Damn." I said, glaring at the blonde girl.

She grinned widely, a rather disturbing grin.
"Oh come, Kenya dear, I would have thought more of someone your age. You honestly didn't suspect a thing, did you?"

I hadn't.
And I should have.
It was so out of character for me to trust this bitch, all those bitches at the headquarters.
I knew that wavy haired guy with his big eyes had made me soft.
Soft and stupid.

Very, very stupid.

"Well played, I will admit. So I take it you're going to drag me off to some cell now?"

The girl laughs. "I wish it were that simple. But I'm afraid retribution worse than that is necessary. After all, you disobeyed every rules, disregarded every warning, manipulated those who would help you, scoffed at Sir William's concerns... a punishment is in hand, Miss Bennett."

I froze.

"What did you call me?"

"Bennett. Kenya Bennett. That is your name, is it not?"

I scowl.
I never told anybody my surname, the only people who could have known it were those who grew up with me.
And they were long gone.

"And what's your name, miss know-it-all?" I snap, stalling as I looked for a way out.

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