Chapter Three

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© 2020 just_cait_here

"Cop Chase."


She's even more stunning in person, despite the messy hair and disheveled clothing.

Which makes me mad.
Because I sure as hell shouldn't be even thinking about her looks when I don't even know who she is... what she is.

I can see realization sink into her features. Her silver grey eyes widen, drawing my attention to the blue flecks in them.
"Oh shit." She says, springing to her feet and starts to run to the door. I reach out and grab her arm. "Where do you think you are going?"

"I left the door to my bathroom closed. My cat won't be able to get to her litter box and is going to poo on my bed." She blurts, eyes flicking to my hand that's grasping her arm, than back up towards me.

"I'm sure your cat can wait a few minutes." I say coldly, even though I really want to smile at the thought of this mystery girl's cat calmly taking a dump on her bed.

"I don't think she can. Let go of me."

"I just need to ask a few questions."

"Let go." Her voice seems to completely change. She sounds older, more authoritative. Her eyes harden, making her look a less soft and more...scary, I guess. I almost let her go.

But than I don't.
Until she twists my arms around and escapes, making a run for the door, stopping, whirling around, calling out "I will be back for my ice cream! Remember meeeeeee!"

Before pushing, realizing you have to pull the door, pulling it, and disappearing.

I don't hesitate before sprinting after her. She hasn't gotten far, and is just about to get into the black mustang convertible parked haphazardly out front.
Oh no you don't.
I quicken my pace, skidding to a stop in front of the car just as she gets it to start up.

"Get out of the way, kid."

Kid? She doesn't look a day older than me... but than, I shouldn't put anything past her, this strange, possibly supernatural, girl.

I grit my teeth. "No. You know what happened to Brianna. You know where my sister is."

Her hair has tumbled out of its messy bun and frames her face, which wears a mask of coldness.
"I'm warning you. I will run you over."

I didn't doubt that.

I stuck my hands into my pockets, rummaging around for anything that could be of use.
What was that?

My fingers wrap around a nail.
Oh... I forgot I had that.
It had been in the middle of the road, and if I hadn't caught the sun glaring off of it I might've had a flat tire.
That's an idea....

"All I want to know is where she is and if she's safe." I say, casually flicking the nail to the ground.

"I don't know." The girl snaps. "Now move."

"Please, you don't understand, she's all I have." I use my toe to nudge the nail into the path of her wheels.

"Well now I guess you have nobody. Welcome to the club." She says in a snarky tone, but even her nasty expression can't take away the weight of the words.

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