Chapter Sixteen

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© 2020 just_cait_here


Kenya POV

"I'm hungryyyy,"

"Hey hungry, I don't give a damn." I snap, scowling.

This girl had me at my wit's end.
The whole entire car ride she had been either snoring, whining, or complaining at the top of her lungs.
She was worse than me.

I hear the rustle of her moving around and the crinkle of a bag.

"What are you doing back there?"

A quick glance in my rearview mirror reveals horrors I never could have imagined.
That scheming, sneaky, whiny, brattish, thief was stealing my cheeze-its.

I slam on the brakes, pulling my truck over to the side of the road and practically launching out of my seat.

She shrieks, dropping the beautiful crackers and cowering away. "Don't hurt me."

I glare.
"I'll do what I want. Now just sit still and keep your mouth closed. We can stop for dinner in an hour or so. You're stuck with me for two days, and if you want to make it out alive I advise you sit your little ass in that seat."

She nods silently, big brown eyes wide.
"Yes ma'am, sorry ma'am."

I smile to myself, getting back on the road and turning on the radio- maximum volume.

Why you gotta be so ruuuudeee don't ya know I'm human tooooooo

I softly sing along, folding into my own thoughts.

If Koa were here he would probably have started grumbling about my choice of music, or perhaps my 'zombie-singing' as he called it.
But, as I had to constantly remind myself, he wasn't here.
Nor would he ever be again.

I had to keep reminding myself it was for the best.
I had been getting too attached to him.
Better to break things off now before I couldn't anymore.

"Um, ma'am?"

"Whaaaaaaatt?" I groan, wanting to many my head against the steering wheel.

"I, uh, need to use the bathroom." The blonde girl squeaks out.

"Can you wait?"

"I've been waiting for three hours."

"We aren't anywhere close to a rest stop right now. If you go you go on the side of the road." 

"Fine, I just really need to pee." She squirms in her seat.

I shake my head, pulling over for the second time in a matter of minutes.
"Get out and go."

She listens, meekly hopping out of the car and doing her business.
I look the other way, running my hands through my messy hair, checking my reflection in the mirror and frowning when I see a visible emptiness in my eyes.

"No, no, no. That's not right." I mutter, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath.
When I open them again I've managed to bring that little sparkle back.

The girl gets in the car and I toss her the tiniest smile. "You done?"

She nods, closing the door. "Yes ma'am."

"So," I say as we drive, "I didn't happen to catch your name."

"Oh. My name? I...I don't really remember..."

Stupid brain, I had forgotten about the memory wipe thing.
I was just so out of it for some reason.
"Aw, that's okay. Do you remember anything?"

"I think... I think I was called Farrah?"

"I can work with that. Sorry if I was snappish earlier, I'm not in the grandest mood."

Maybe this girl wasn't so bad.
I mean, she hadn't actively done anything to make me dislike her, she was just unlucky enough to interfere with an upset Kenya.
And that was something you never wanted to do.

She shrugs. "We all have those kind of days. Is it about that guy you were with?"

"What? No! Why would you think that?" The words tumble out of my mouth, coming across more defensive sounding than I'd like.

Farrah laughs a little.
"It was just a question. You two seemed pretty close, I just assumed he was your boyfriend or something."

"Actually we weren't close at all. I had just hitchhiked with him for a few days. Don't even have the dude's number." I shrug nonchalantly.

"Shame, he was hot."

I smile. "He is, isn't he."


"Two large fries, two dipped vanilla cones, and two cheeseburgers- ketchup only."

"Will that be all, miss?"

"Oh, and three ten-piece chicken nuggets... umm, oh! A large coke as well."

"Okay so that will be—"

"Wait I'm not done! Can I also get a McChicken and..." I look questioningly at Farrah.

"And a BigMac with a water."

Who drinks water these days?

A sigh filters through the speaker. "You done?"

"Last thing, I promise. Could I get just the meat patty from a hamburger."

"Uhhh.... sure?"

"Thanks dude, you're the best!"

I pull through the drive through, paying the visibly annoyed cashier and taking bag after bag of food from the second window, passing Farrah her BigMac, water, as well as her own order of fries and an ice cream cone.

See, Makoa, I can be nice and share! Ha!

I park my new truck and rummage through the food, taking the plain hamburger patty and handing it to Fluffy, who sniffs the meat disdainfully, taking teeny tiny little bites.

Before we leave the McDonalds parking lot I get out and rummage through the shopping bags until I find the packages of earplugs Koa had bought because of my glorious singing.

Farrah is asleep shortly, snoring once again, but this time I'm prepared.
I put the ear plugs in, though not fully, so I can still pay attention to driving.

I'm being responsible.

What happened to reckless Kenya?
Whenever she went to vacation she needs to get back here quickly.
I'm not okay with this version of myself, the version who cares.

The longer I drive in silence, the harder it is to keep my thoughts from heading in the direction of the very place they shouldn't go.

I only spent a few days with that mortal.
And besides, he was annoying and pushy and boring.... and adorable....
Shit, I was screwed.

"I need to get out of America." I murmur to myself, pulling to a stop at a red light.

I've been wanting to revisit Ireland again.
Maybe spend ten or so years there so that when I return I won't be tempted to go see Koa.
He should have forgotten me by than.

This whole thing is probably stemming from my boredom.
The only reason I was thinking so much about a kid I knew for a few days was because I had nothing better to do.

I need a change of scenery, culture.
It was decided.
As soon as I got Farrah to her new home I was taking the first plane out of here.

I didn't believe what they said, that you can't escape your problems.
Because I'm fairly certain you can.

I've done it before.


Super short chapter today.
I'm super tired and ran out of cheeze-it's.

Love y'all!

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