Chapter Thirty Three

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© 2020 just_cait_here

"Cutting a Deal"


Makoa POV

I couldn't breathe.
I was face-to-face with a ghost.

Because that's what she must be, right?

She was certainly pale enough to be one.

"Y-you're dead," I manage to choke out. I can feel Rachel tugging on my arm, trying to drag me away, but I stand still as stone.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" My mother asks, not meeting my gaze.

Does she really not know?

"I'm your son. It's me, Mom. Makoa."

Her eyes snap towards my face, and her bottom jaw unhinges ever so slightly.
"It can't be.,,"

"It damn well can." I reply, harsher than I'd like to. I don't even know what emotion to feel, because there's so much going on.
But my anger comes through first, trumping the feelings of disbelief, joy, and confusion.

"My baby...." she rushes forward and wraps her arms around me.

I stand, frozen in place.
The last time I saw her, I was nothing but a child. Now, here she stood, just barely reaching the height of my chin.
And she hadn't aged a day.

I peel her off of me and cross my arms.
"What is the meaning of this? Tell me I'm dreaming. I must be dreaming. This is some horrible nightmare and I'm going to wake up, back with Kenya-"

"Kenya? As in Kenya Bennett?" Mom says, eyes widening.

I nod. "Yes. Do you have a problem with her?"

Mom waves her hand, dismissing Rachel, who leaves reluctantly.
"Son, that girl is bad news. She's infamous around here for her reckless ways and love for messing with the mortals."

"You're one to talk. How are you still alive?" I snap, but don't give her a chance to reply, for the sadness is settling in.
"You died! You fell off that cliff and died! The wild animals ate your corpse!" My voice breaks.

My mother looks down at her shoes.
"I had to go, Makoa. And the only way I could think to leave was to fake my death."

I clench my jaw.
"You're just like everyone else. Selfish."

"You don't understand, love. They had found me, the Immortals Assemble forced me to do it. Either I was to fake my death, or you would all be wiped of your memories and I would be taken to live under lock and key."

"Y-You're saying that you're immortal?" I stammer, backing away, voice ridden with incredulous tones.

No. It's all just a nightmare. Mom is dead. Dead.

The woman runs a hand through her hair, much in the same way I do when stressed.
"Makoa, there's so much I need to tell you, so much we need to talk about..."

"Actually. I don't want to hear it." I say, shaking my head and spinning towards the door.

"But baby-" she reaches out towards me, eyes wide and soft. Nova's eyes.

"Do you have any idea what happened to the family after you left? Any idea what you did?"

She chews her lip. "I wasn't allowed to be in contact with you. It was hard... I wanted nothing more than to be with you and Nova, with your father."

I laugh bitterly.
"Nova is dead, Mom. Because of you."

Her face drains of all color. "W-what?"

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