Chapter Four

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© 2020 just_cait_here

"Dumpsters and Girlfriends."

Kenya POV

"No, I don't have gum." The guy says, sounding extremely put off.

I pout. "Not even a mint? Don't you have a girlfriend you want to smell nice for?" I raise my eyebrows in a question.

This, folks, is how you casually find out if somebody's single.

He gives me a look that manages to convey complete annoyance and disdain without the need for a word to be spoken.
"I have more important things to do than try and find a girlfriend. Some of us actually have responsibilities. People to care for. And one of those people just happens to be my younger sister Brianna, who went missing after finding some pretty enlightening information on a mysterious girl. A mysterious girl who looks just like you."

Oh, so he is single.

What was he saying...? Oh yeah. Looks like me and shit.

"I just have one of those faces," I say with a shrug.

One of those incredibly blessed, symmetrical, beautiful faces, if I do say so myself.

Which I, of course, do.

"Pretty sure you don't. You are definitely the only girl I've seen that— ugh. Never mind. My point is, I'm not leaving you alone until you tell me where my sister is."

I giggle. Actually giggle.
"Honestly, I wouldn't mind having you around. Maybe just get some duct tape and voila- I get to stare at your eyes all day long without the annoying chatter! But, sadly, your stop is just ahead."

I quickly turn the wheel, steering the car down an alley and making the kid bang into the window. There it is, a beautiful dumpster just ahead.

I slam on the brakes, hot stuff's body jerking forward. This time he manages to catch himself before his head bangs against the glovebox.
Shame, wouldn't been easier to get rid of him if he knocked himself unconscious.

Oh well, guess I'll have to do it myself.

The jarring motion wakes Fluffy up and she begins to hiss in annoyance, rocking her crate back and forth.
The kid blinks at it. "Do you have a snake in there?" He asks, eyes wide with curiosity.

"Nope. A cat. A very grumpy, fluffy, cat."

"Oh," he frowns the smallest bit and glances out the window.
"What are we doing here?" The kid asks, as if it wasn't obvious.

"Didn't you want me to bring you home?" I point to the dumpster.

"Ha-ha. Seriously, you gonna kidnap me too? Because quite honestly I'm good with that and will go willingly. Long as Bria is there."

"Please, I leave kidnapping up to my man William. By the way, kid, what's your name?"

"Don't see why it matters to you." He says, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Tell me or I'll throw your keys down a drain," I threaten.
Would I actually do that?
Yes. Yes I would.
Like I said before, I don't kid myself and pretend to be some angel.
I've been told I'm a jerk, bitch, and asshole enough times to know there's not much use in being anything else.

"You're fcking crazy, you know that?"

"So I've been told. Name?"

He holds my gaze challengingly for all of five seconds before glancing away submissively.
Not much of a fighter.
"Family calls me Koa. You call me Makoa."

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